
iOS 14 Review - Biggest Change Since 2007!

Every year in June, Apple announces a new version of iOS, iPadOS, watchOS and macOS. We also have tvOS but come on, no one really cares about that.

This year, we had a few leaks that iOS 14 would bring a new Fitness App to the table, alongside possibly a new list view for the Home-Screen, but that was pretty much it. However, it turns out that iOS 14 is actually pretty much the biggest change that the iPhone has had since the introduction of the very first iPhone, back in 2007. This version of iOS (4) brought the ability to change the Wallpaper, as well as multitasking support. Then, iOS 7 redesigned the whole look and now iOS 14 allows you to have more than just Icons on the Home-Screen. 

It introduces Widgets and an App Library UI, amongst many massive features, making it a gigantic update. I’ve already covered over 40 big changes in our previous video, but now that I actually got a chance to use iOS 14 on my actual iPhone for a few days, I wanted to talk about my personal experience and how it actually is to use iOS 14, iPadOS and watchOS 7. So, without further ado, here is my iOS 14 experience!

iOS 14

Starting off with iOS 14 and the biggest feature that we got were the Home-Screen Widgets.

Now, we did kind of have Widget support with iOS 8, which came out in 2014. But these Widgets were only viewable in the Notification Centre. In more recent versions of iOS, you had to swipe right from the Home-Screen in order to see them, which was not that convenient. But now with iOS 14, you can place Widgets pretty much anywhere you want on the Home-Screen, which reminds me of Android.

This is so much cleaner, on the face of it.

This is so much cleaner, on the face of it.

In fact, Widgets support has been my number one most requested feature in iOS and it’s been one of the major reasons why I keep gravitating towards Android, whenever a major new device comes out. However, unlike on Android where you can basically place a Widget anywhere you want, on iOS they work in the same way as Apps do. They still magnetically attach to other Apps, which means that you just cannot have Widgets on the top, empty space in the middle and Apps on the bottom. You can only place Widgets where you already have Apps, which is a bit of a bummer.  

Also, you always need to have two rows of Apps between Widgets. For whatever reason, you just cannot have one single row, probably because Apple is using a 4x4 App Square for each small Widget. Something cool that I’ve noticed is that now you can just hold your finger anywhere on the Home-Screen to activate the Jiggle Mode, this is what it’s called internally. You also get this nice Haptic Response when you’ve done that. 

In order to add Widgets, you just press on the ‘Plus’ Button in the top right corner, you then get a bunch of automatic Widget suggestions, based on the Apps that you use the most. Once you scroll down, you get to this list of all the Apps that support Widgets. Since the Widget system has been completely redesigned in iOS 14, Apps will need to implement these Home-Screen Widgets, which is the reason why right now, only a few First-Party Apps support them. But then, it’s pretty straight forward. You select a Widget and then you get to choose between three or even four different sizes, in the case of Notes. Unfortunately, you cannot resize a Widget once you’ve placed it. In order to change the size of it, you’ll have to remove it and add it again. 

Now, if you choose to go for a small Widget, then that Widget would not be intractable. The moment you tap it, you would be taken to that App. Whereas if you have a larger Widget, with more UI elements, then you can click one of those elements to get taken to that specific function in the App. You can also hold on a Widget and then edit it with things such as changing the location that the Weather App shows you, the Note that’s currently displayed in the Notes Widgets and so on. 

You can also drag one Widget on top of another, to have a stack of multiple Widgets that you scroll through. It might be useful for some users, but for me personally, I like having all my information visible at a glance. I do prefer having all of my Widgets un-stacked and visible all the time.

Yes, ‘Jiggle Mode’ is the actual term for it.

Yes, ‘Jiggle Mode’ is the actual term for it.

Overall, I really do like the Home-Screen Widgets a lot and I just cannot wait for more Developers to start creating their very own Widgets. I predict that I would be changing my Home-Screen almost daily when that happens, by playing around with different Widget layouts. But unfortunately, Widgets are far from perfect. 

You cannot position them anywhere on the Home-Screen, for some reason Apple still kept the previous Widget View from iOS 13. Meaning that you can still swipe right from the Home-Screen and get this very long scrollable list with all of your Widgets. I just think that they should remove this because it just complicates things way too much for the average user. Having two places where you can have the same Widgets is just not ok. But wait, it gets even weirder.

In the Widget Panel, you can still hold to make them jiggle and then you have the same ‘Plus’ symbol, from where you can add more of them. It turns out that if you scroll down you still have the ‘Edit’ Button, from where you can add all the iOS 13 style Widgets here. Now, I really do hope that Apple fixes this in a future Beta Version. I do think that it will be fixed by the time iOS 14 launches, especially since all Widgets will be converted to the new style.

The second big new feature in iOS 14, is the App Library. Just like on Android again, where this is called the App Drawer, if you swipe left from your last Home-Screen, you can access the App Library, which is really just like the Launcher on Mac. A collection of all of your Apps installed on your iPhone. While I do like this idea a lot, unfortunately there are many issues and inconsistencies that I’ve found with the App Library. For example, on stock Android you get this App Drawer which lists and sorts all of your Apps alphabetically. Personally, I’m not really a fan of this as I do prefer having my Apps in Folders, which Samsung actually allows you to do in their own Android skin. which I love. Apple is somewhere in the middle.

The App Library does create App Folders, but those Folders are created automatically for you. There’s no way you can change that which means that finding a specific App can be quite tricky. Apple, please give us the option to rename and organise the Folders, as that would help a ton! 

Another mainstay on Android has come to iOS in the form of the ‘App Library’.

Another mainstay on Android has come to iOS in the form of the ‘App Library’.

The way it works now is kind of pointless as I can still better organise all of my Apps, by having custom Folders on the Home-Screen. Also, opening those Folders in the App Library is very confusing as well. Unlike the Folders on the Home-Screen, if you tap on an App, it just launches it. So, you need to press on the bottom right Icon that shows multiple Apps, in order to open up the Folder. Ok, so you’re probably wondering, what happens if you delete an App from the Home-Screen? Does it go to the App Library or does it get removed? So, once you get into Jiggle Mode, the ‘Delete’ option has been renamed into ‘Remove App’ and once you press that, you’ll be asked if you want to delete the App or add it to the App Library. Which again, is extremely confusing because all your Apps are already in the App Library anyway. I think this should be renamed into “Hide App” and “Remove App”. 

Back to the App Library. If you swipe up, you get this list view in alphabetical order, with all of your Apps. This is sort of like on Android and then you can scroll through them or even search through them, which I can already do that in Spotlight Search, but at least we get this list view, which I am a fan of. Those are the two big changes in iOS 14, Widgets and the App Library. While I do love both, I do feel like iOS is becoming a bit of a mess now. You can swipe right to access the Widget Panel which you can also add to your Home-Screen anyway. You can then swipe down to access the search functionality which you can also access by swiping left from your last Home Screen, but that search is only for Apps, whereas the swipe down search is for everything. I just feel like it needs a lot of polish as right now, it’s like a notebook full of ideas, instead of an organised Operating System.

There have also been a few extra things that I have noticed, which I do really want to point out. First off, the stability has actually been very good. I haven’t had any system crashes or anything really. It was a bit slow at first but after it indexed all the Apps, things got back to normal. It was so good that I even installed it on my personal iPhone and from all the Betas that I’ve used over the past ten years or so, iOS 14 is definitely the most stable. Battery life has been affected, but it’s nothing too severe.

The double-tap on the back functionality allows you to select a specific function that your iPhone will execute, once you double or triple-tap on the back. The way it works is that it uses your iPhone’s motion sensors to detect the tap on the back. However, because of this, my double tap functionality also got activated a few times when I laid my iPhone flat on my desk. The good news is that you can also have custom Siri short-cuts on this, meaning that you can pretty much assign anything you want to this double or triple tap Gestures. I’ve set mine to launch the Camera App as iOS still doesn’t have a quick Camera Launch functionality on the Volume or the Power Button. These gestures are a bit finicky to activate, but when they do work, it’s a pretty nice feature to have. 

A long-awaiting and welcome new feature, is 4K YouTube Content.

A long-awaiting and welcome new feature, is 4K YouTube Content.

Also, you can finally watch 4K YouTube content now, after so many years.

The reason why we couldn’t do it before was because Apple wasn’t using Google’s VP9 Codec and Google wasn’t using the h.265 that Apple was using. But now that the new AV1 Codec has been agreed to by both Apple and Google, and iOS 14 supports AV1, 4K playback is finally possible on Apple devices. But there is a catch. Google only seems to be using AV1 for 4K HDR videos, meaning that you can only watch 4K videos that are HDR. Otherwise, they’ll still be 1080p. I really hope that this gets fixed.

Speaking of things that need to get fixed. There’s now a way to adjust the exposure in the Camera App separately from the Focus, which is pretty great! We’ve had this in some third-party Apps as well. However, the way it currently works in iOS 14 has to be the most unintuitive way that I’ve seen. You can still adjust it via the up/down Slider when you’re focusing, but now you also have this Exposure Meter. The thing is, once you adjust it, there’s no reset button and you can increase/decrease the Brightness the same old way while the exposure meter is set to a custom value and that value won’t change. However, I’m pretty sure that this is a glitch though. 

In the Weather App, you can now see the AirQuality Index, which is pretty nice. Probably my favourite feature that I’ve found is that now you can hold the Navigation Buttons to go back to a specific previous category.  This really helps for when you’re buried deep into the Settings and you don’t want to keep going back and back until you get to where you want to be.

Siri now has a brand new UI, which I do like. You can now summon her without blocking the entire Display. However, what I don’t like is that you cannot interact with your Phone, whilst using Siri. Other than that, it’s more or less the same Siri as before. This UI now applies to whenever you’re getting a call. Rather than this blocking your entire Display, you get this notification-style window which you can even dismiss and continue doing your own thing.

‘App Clips’ is another thing that we’re looking forward to testing in the future.

‘App Clips’ is another thing that we’re looking forward to testing in the future.

Control Centre now allows you to show individual Accessories and Scenes from the Home App. Unfortunately, you cannot customise which Scenes or Accessories it shows you as this has all been automated, based on the ones that you use the most.

If you’re wondering how the AirPods pro sound, with that new 7.1 Surround Sound support, I won’t be able to tell you that because it seems that this is not available in Beta 1 just yet. Picture-in-Picture is though and it works just as you would expect it to, kind of. It doesn't work in the YouTube App so you have to be playing a video in Safari in order for that to work. But, it does work for Face-Time now, meaning that the person that you’re speaking to won’t get a black screen every time you go to check a Notification, but instead they’ll get to see you all the time, ands likewise.

Of course, there are many more features, such as App Clips, which I cannot test just yet. In terms of the big changes that I have noticed, these would be the main ones. 

watchOS 7

Moving on to watchOS 7, by far the biggest change here is Sleep Tracking and…I’m quite disappointed. The way it works is that you have this Sleep App and you select how many hours of sleep you want to get and when you need to wake up, it will then tell you when you have to go to bed. Right before that, you’ll have a ‘Wind Down’ period, which is usually around 45 minutes. This is when DND will automatically be enabled and that’s pretty much it. 

Your Apple Watch will estimate the Battery Life it would have, when you go to bed, and if that amount would be less than 30%, you’ll get a Notification to charge it. The only problem is that I never got that Notification, which I’m assuming will get fixed in the final version. Not only that, but Automatic Sleep Detection never worked for me. I had to manually put my Watch into Sleep Mode, rather than this being enabled automatically based on the sleep times that I’ve set it to. Again, I’m guessing that this will be fixed when iOS 14 comes out.

But probably my main issue with Sleep Mode is that you cannot really see your sleep stats, unless you go into the Health App and into the ‘Sleep’ section of that. Moreover, it doesn’t even tell you much, just the time you were in bed, which is literally based on when you tapped the ‘bed-time’ Icon and the time you were asleep. There are no mentions of sleep quality, REM data or anything like that. An App such as Sleep Cycle is so much better than the native Sleep Tracking is, as of right now.

Native Sleep Tracking will now be a thing, but there are already alternatives that do it better.

Native Sleep Tracking will now be a thing, but there are already alternatives that do it better.

Also, you’re probably wondering how much Battery Life it drains in Sleep Mode. Well, in my case, I had 51% Battery when I went to bed and 37% when I woke up about six-seven hours later. A 14% drop is actually very good, I just really hope that the Sleep Tracking gets smarter by the time this gets released. 

There is a new hand-wash feature which would show you a timer when it detects that you’re washing your hands. That’s not working just yet, or at least I could never get it to work, on my Apple Watch. 

Aside from that, the only new Watch-Face that we get, is the Chronograph Pro, which includes a Tachymeter that you can use to measure the speed that you are traveling at. I just wish this also had a digital version. You can also have complications on the X-Large Face, which is pretty nice to have and you can also add a Colour Filter to the ‘Photos’ Watch-Face. I also really do like how Apple has redesigned the Watch-Face customisation page and they now show you the colour selector on the right of the Face, rather than inside the Watch-Face.

There’s a new Workout for Dancing, but this was actually in watchOS 6. It was hidden in ‘Others’ and I’ve used it all the time for when I was playing ‘BeatSaber’. I’m not fully sure what’s new with this, possibly improved tracking?  But that’s pretty much it in terms of big, noticeable changes.

iPadOS 14

Finally, there’s also iPadOS 14, which is a very small update. Aside from ‘Scribble’, there’s nothing really that stood out to me. In fact, we don’t even get the Widgets from iOS, there’s still stuck in the Side Panel and we don’t have the App Library at all, which is extremely inconsistent.

While I do believe that these will be added by the time iPadOS releases, Craig Federighi indicated to Marques that this is how they’ve intended to release iPadOS 14, for now. So, we’ll see.

But that’s about it, macOS does have a lot of changes as well, just like iOS 14 did, but that’s an entire video in itself.

iOS 14 - 40+ New Massive Changes!

WWDC… how amazing it was. We got the expected ARM transition, macOS Big Sur (not so expected), a full OS redesign that is the biggest change since macOS X and of course there was iOS 14, another gigantic change.

There were not any hardware releases, so no new iMac or AirTags. According to a Jon Prosser and a few others, Apple was planning to announce new hardware but for some reason fairly recently, they decided to push all of that into Q3 or Q4 of 2020. In this video, we’re fully focusing on iOS 14 and covering not 5, not 10 but over 40 big changes!

1) Widgets!

It’s been a long time coming. Credit: Apple

It’s been a long time coming. Credit: Apple

I’ve been wanting for this since I first got my Galaxy S4, in 2013. This has been a feature on Android since Day One, we sort of got it last year in iPad OS but it’s now finally here in iOS 14.

With the Widgets API, Developers can create their own Widgets. They will work in a similar way to how they currently work in the Notifications Panel, but you can have them on the Home-Screen and re-size them. You can even have multiple Widgets behind the same Widgets and then swipe between all the ones stacked there. Overall, this is a gigantic change to iOS, which I cannot wait to use.

2) App Library! 

Multiple Home-Screens are still there but you can now compact all of them into something called ‘AppLibrary’, which is sort of like the AppDrawer on Android. Swipe left and you get a list of your Folders with all your Apps. You can search Apps and scroll that list alphabetically, making it much easier to find the Apps that you need. 

3) Back Gestures

There’s now Gestures on the back of the iPhone, just double and triple tap and you can customise those for different actions, I would personally recommend Screenshot.

4) Fixed Calls

No more blocking up the UI. Regular Calls & Facetime Calls, or any other sort of Call, now don’t take up your entire screen. Instead, they now pop-up just like a Notification Card does.

5) AirPods Auto-Switch

You can Auto-Switch between your devices. It uses Gyroscope data to tell when you’ve picked up a new device and the Headphones switch to that, which is amazing.

6) AirPods 7.1 Support 

This is for AirPods Pro only. It includes Spacial Audio that creates a theatre experience, 7.1 Support and Dolby Atmos.

7) Siri Overlay

Siri no longer takes up the whole Display, but it does disable it for now.

Siri no longer takes up the whole Display, but it does disable it for now.

Same as with Calls, this doesn’t take up the entire screen anymore.

It will appear as a Card on the bottom. The only problem is that you cannot interact with the Display at the moment.

8) Smarter Siri 

Siri now knows 20 times more facts. The Web Answers are improved and she can send Audio Messages as well now. 

9) PiP Video

We had this on the iPad, now we have it on the iPhone as well, this is PiP Video from Safari and supported Apps. I believe my S4 from 2013 had this, but it’s good to finally have it on the iPhone as well.

10) Unlock Your Car

Open your Car Door using the iPhone. This only works with 2021 BMW series 5 at the moment but more cars will be included. You can give people full access and also works in iOS 13. Future versions will take advantage of the U1 Chip so that your car can unlock even when your iPhone is in your pocket or bag. 

11) Spotlight Search

This now works just like on the Mac, it no longer blocks the entire Display. Instead, you get this floating Search Bar and you can search anything now, from Apps to Web Searches.

12) AppClips

No App? No problem. Credit: Apple

No App? No problem. Credit: Apple

This is really cool. You go to a Store and if there’s a QR Code or an NFC Tag, you can still use their App to get reward points and so on, without having the App installed. It’s like a small version of that specific App, without having to install the full version. You only use it when you need it. For example, if you’re at a parking space and you need to get this App to pay, there’s no need to install that App anymore, AppClips would solve that issue.

13) Smarter Maps

Rich detail is coming to the UK, Ireland and Canada and overall accuracy has been improved. There’s guides for what to eat and where to watch movies, just like on Google Maps. Congestion and Green Zones are now included. 

14) Cycling Support

On the same subject, you will also get messages for when you’re going uphill or for when you’ll have to take the stairs.

15) EV Routing

If you have an EV, it will automatically link to that car and it will plan your route accordingly, if you’ll need a charge part-way through. 

16) Translate App

To me it looks like Google Translate but it can also work completely offline as it uses on-device machine learning. It only supports 11 languages so far though. 

17) iMessage Improvements

Chats have become far more intuitive. Credit: Apple

Chats have become far more intuitive. Credit: Apple

Your pinned conversations and most recent Messages will be on top. Group conversations have also been improved, you can just tap on a person and highlight all messages referring to that person alone, with in-line replies in groups as well as mentions.

18) Adaptive Lightning

During working hours, your lights would have a cool temperature and a warm temperature at night. This is thanks to the Home App.

19) Activity Zones & Face Recognition

You can set Activity Zones in Cameras so you get notified when there’s movement in that specific region. Also, Face Recognition works with faces that you’ve tagged in the Photos App. 

20) Safari Passwords

There is now an automatic warning if your password isn’t secure. 

21) Safari Privacy Report

Just tap the Privacy Report to see how websites track your data. 

22) CarPlay Wallpapers

How was this not a thing before. It looks so much nicer now, I don’t have a car, so…moving on.

23) Exposure Control

In the Camera App, you can now control the Exposure separately from the Focus, just like you could in third-party Apps. 

24) ARKit 4

Location Anchors are present, which allows for directional icons and art to be placed in specific parts of the world. Everyone looking at those places will get the icons that those Developers placed.

25) Default Apps

You can set a default email and browser App, I would have liked Calendar too though. 

26) Weather Forecasts

Dark Sky has long been one of the best weather Apps out there. Credit: Apple

Dark Sky has long been one of the best weather Apps out there. Credit: Apple

There’s now minute-by-minute forecasts in the US, thanks to Dark Sky. Apple purchased this App this year, I believe. It’s the best weather App in my opinion.

27) Voice Memos

Improve the sound quality of your recordings with a single tap. This utilises AI Processing. 

28) QuickTake Video

This is now available on the iPhone XS & XR, not just the iPhone 11’s.

29) Emoji Search

You can finally search for Emoji’s, just like on the Mac. Finally!

30) AirPods API 

Developers can take advantage of the Gyroscope Sensors from the AirPods, which will be useful in some audio Apps and Games.

31) AirPods Battery Notifications

Screenshot 2020-06-26 at 15.55.35.png

You will get a message when your Battery is low and you need to charge them. 

32) Selfies Flip

You can choose if you want your Selfies to be mirrored or not. 

33) New Fitness App

Unlike the leaked one, there are no actual fitness plans that you can take or workout guides yet. This App is just the renamed Activity App, which now includes more workout data, that’s it.

34) Sleep Tracking 

You can do this on the Apple Watch now but if you don’t have one, you can kind of do it on the iPhone. Sleep Mode dims the screen, turns on DND Mode and tells you when to wind down in order to get the desired hours of sleep for the next day.

35) Recording Indicator

There’s now an indicator when your Front Camera or Microphone is being used by a third party App. On the Macs, you have the LED indicator for the Front Camera, but you never had anything like this on iOS, until now. 

36) FindMy - 3rd Party Support

Third-party Accessory support in the ‘FindMy’ App. This would help companies such as Tile survive, once Apple releases their own AirTag. 

37) YouTube 4K?

AppleTV now supports it. It’s not available on iOS just yet, but it might be coming in future beta versions.

38) APFS in Files 

The Files App now supports an external SSD that’s formatted as an APFS Drive. 

39) Spotify on the HomePod

Third-party Music Apps will now be supported on the HomePod.

40) Night Mode

You now get a Gyroscope preview to better centre your shots and you can even cancel a Night Mode shot mid-way through.

41) Video Frame-Rate

Screenshot 2020-06-26 at 15.56.29.png

Toggles to switch in the Camera App are now available on all of the iPhones, not just the 11’s.

42) Supported Devices

All devices that supported iOS 13, are still supported here. This includes the iPhone SE and 6S as well as anything newer. These were only the biggest changes, there’s been hundreds in total. A video on macOS Big Sur and ARM will be coming up next. 

What other videos do you want to see?

iPhone 12 Pro & iOS 14 – Final Details Revealed?

We haven’t really made a Leaks & Rumors episode on the 2020 iPhones in more than a month now. Mostly because there wasn’t anything new to talk about. But, we’ve got a ton of fresh new leaks to talk about now, most of them from just the past week alone, coming from Jon Prosser from ‘FrontPageTech’. I don’t know how he did it but he’s pretty much the person with the highest amount of inside news on Apple at the moment.

So, here’s everything new in terms of the 2020 iPhones! 

iPhone SE (Second Generation) 

First things first, Apple has now unveiled what we thought was going to be the iPhone 9. This is the one we were talking about for so long, it is essentially the iPhone SE 2. Only, it isn’t called the iPhone 9 or the iPhone SE 2, but instead they called it the iPhone SE…Second Generation.

I personally think that iPhone 9 would’ve been the perfect name as this would be the last iPhone to feature the old pre-iPhone X design and Apple has yet to use the iPhone 9 naming scheme. But at the same time, calling this the iPhone SE means that Apple is not necessarily considering this inferior to the iPhone 11. They seemingly just consider it something different.

The iPhone 9, or the iPhone SE Second Generation as it is being called by Apple, is our first iPhone of 2020.

The iPhone 9, or the iPhone SE Second Generation as it is being called by Apple, is our first iPhone of 2020.

The iPhone SE Second Generation is essentially just an iPhone 8, but with upgraded internals. We have the same design on the front as the iPhone 8, 7, 6s & 6, so we’re getting a six year old design here. But, we are getting some very nice specs.

To start with, we’re getting Apple’s most powerful iPhone Chip, the Apple A11. The same CPU as found in the iPhone 11 & 11 Pro’s. We’re also getting an improved Camera, which looks to be the same Module as the Main on the iPhone 11 & 11 Pro. Don’t quote me on this because I do need to get it and test it to confirm that.

That’s pretty much it. Other than that, this is an iPhone 8. The only other difference being that this iPhone only costs $400 / £420 in the UK. The UK market is getting a slap in the face again. It is almost half the price of the iPhone 11, which starts at $700, so if you don’t care about having an outdated design and you just want a very affordable iPhone (price can actually go down further if you trade in your old phone) with the very best performance and almost the same quality Camera as on an iPhone 11 Pro, then this is a perfect deal.

We’ll be making a more in-depth video about the iPhone SE Second Generation, once we get it ourselves, so stay tuned for that. Subscribe and hit the bell so you don’t miss out. 


Then, at number two, AirPower is apparently making a comeback. You know, the Wireless Charging Mat that Apple kept on postponing and then eventually cancelled? We may be seeing that after all.

Essentially, AirPower was a fairly revolutionary Wireless Charger. On pretty much every single Wireless Charger out there, you need to position your Smartphone on a specific spot because that’s where the Wireless Charging Coil is located. Apple, on the other hand, wanted you to be able to place your Smartphone, Apple Watch or even your AirPods literally anywhere on the Mat. In order for you to be able to do that, the Mat needed a ton of Charging Coils. I’m not talking about two, three or even five, the AirPower Mat was developed with over 20 different Coils in mind. But, these Coils generated a lot of heat, which made an AirPower Mat a safety hazard to use, so it got cancelled. 

How will the AirPower solve the overheating issues that has prevented it from being released so far?

How will the AirPower solve the overheating issues that has prevented it from being released so far?

Well, it seems like it might have been revived! According to Jon Prosser, Apple’s Sharing & Proximity Team are receiving prototype units of something called C68, which looks a lot like the AirPower Mat. Not only that, but apparently this new AirPower Mat actually has an Apple A11 Processor inside that’s being used to dynamically manage heat. An Apple A11, inside of a Wireless Charger! 

The A11 is what the iPhone X from 2017 used and it is still one of the most powerful Chips in the mobile industry. According to Jon, because the Apple Watch uses a proprietary charging method, when you placed the Apple Watch on charge while other devices were also on the Mat, the AirPower would combust because the Watch required so much power. The A11 can tell when the temperature drops and it can wait until that happens before diverting power to charging the Apple Watch. It’s a pretty genius solution but I’m not so sure if this is indeed the answer. 

I’m saying this because firstly, having an A11 Chip inside what is essentially just a Wireless Charger means that the price of it will sky-rocket and secondly, it’s not like the Mat won’t overheat. It’s just that the A11 will put some devices on hold, in terms of charging, until the temperatures go down. This means that if you need a quick charge of your Apple Watch and your iPhone is also charging, you might not even be able to charge your Apple Watch at all, if the A11 Chip decides that is the safest case.

I still think that the best approach here would be to have marked spots on the Mat, where you can place your devices. These spots will also be magnetised so that the devices snap into place once they’re close.

iOS 14

Next up, we have some updates to iOS 14. In case you missed it, we did an iOS 14 video back in March that covered every single thing we knew up until that point, in terms of iOS 14. Definitely do give that video a watch, in case you want to know more about it. But since that video of ours went live, a few more details have emerged.

Reports from ‘9to5Mac’ indicate that Apple is working on improving iCloud Keychain on iOS to make it compete better with apps such as ‘1Password’ or ‘LastPass’. Apparently, users will now be warned if their passwords are being reused, so that they can change them if they’re using one multiple times. Users will also be getting some sort of new 2-Factor Authentication that will let you log into a website using just iCloud Keychain, rather than using SMS or Email. But keep in mind, this will still be 2-Factor Authentication.

Twitter user ‘DongleBookPro’ shared a few more details about iOS 14. The first one being that Apple seems to be working with car manufactures, such as BMW, to allow you to use the iPhone itself as a car key. It won’t work with all models, just with a few select ones, but this will apparently be called CarKey. 

‘DongleBookPro’ also shared some iOS 14 images. One, with how the new Wallpaper selection would work, which has been reported previously. It seems that now, we would be able to tweak the current Wallpaper. It seems like the stock iOS 13 Wallpaper has four different variants, one of them being a gradient. The ability to turn them into gradients seems to be applicable to all of Apple’s first party Wallpapers. They’re calling it a Smart Gradient.

Aside from this, Dongle also shared an image of how the Wallpaper selection screen will look, with Wallpapers now grouped into Collections. You can also have some photos of your own there, which is great. Third party apps should be supported as well, according to some of the earlier leaks that we’ve seen before.

Now, there’s one more thing about iOS 14 that I want to share here and it is coming from Jon Prosser. We’ve heard some rumors that Apple might be implementing a new list view on the iPhone, similar to the one that we have on the Apple Watch. But now it seems that Apple is indeed considering Widgets on iOS. Jon is saying that there are currently no internal builds featuring Widgets, but it is something that Apple is internally working on. They’re also considering third-party Widgets in the Control Centre. Now, Jon did say that this is probably something likely to come in iOS 15 rather than iOS 14. We’ll have to wait and see. 

But, I’ve had two massive requests for iOS, for so many years now. One of them being an Always-On Display. Android Smartphones have had this for so many years now and it’s a complete game-changer. The ability to see the time and the notifications on your Display, all the time, even when your phone is in sleep, is so useful.  But for some reason, we never got that on the iPhone. Now that the Apple Watch finally got it with the Series 5, I would bet that Apple is at least considering adding an Always-On Display to the iPhone as well.

You may soon be able to use some popular apps without actually needing to have them installed, such as Twitter.

You may soon be able to use some popular apps without actually needing to have them installed, such as Twitter.

My second request was on-screen Widgets. This is something that we’ve had on Android Smartphones for years. The iPhone Home-Screens have pretty much remained unchanged since the very first iPhone launched, back in 2007 (13 years ago). We can now change the Wallpaper but aside from that, and the fact that we can put apps in folders, which Apple added in iOS 4 back in 2010, we cannot really change anything.  Widgets will allow us to see the Weather, Calendar, To-Do List and more, right on the Home-Screen without even having to open up those apps.

Apple did indeed add Widgets, but only to the Notification Panel in iOS 13, on the iPad, with iPadOS. They finally added Home-Screen Widgets, but it only works in Landscape Mode and it is a separate panel on the Home-Screen, rather than something that’s embedded into it.

It seems like we will have to wait a bit longer and see if this does happen, but if it does, it will be a pretty massive change for iOS functionality wise, which is something that we haven’t seen since iOS 4, back in 2010.

The last piece of news that we have on iOS 14 comes from 9to5Mac. They claim that they’re developing a new feature called “Clips”, which will allow us to use an app without necessarily having it installed. A good example of this would be when you’re on a web page and you’re opening up a Twitter link. Normally this will just take you to the Twitter browser, the same applies to YouTube where, as we all know, the UI is really messed up. Well, with this new Clips API, you will pretty much get the same experience as if you actually had the app installed. It’s just that you won’t need to actually have it installed, which is pretty cool.

iPhone 12 Pro 

Now, onto the good stuff, the iPhone 12. The biggest thing here is that we finally know the final design of this year’s iPhone.

We’re getting four iPhone 12 models this year. A 5.4” model, which will be the smallest one. This will be even smaller than the 5.8” iPhone X, XS or iPhone 11 Pro and this one will come with two Camera Modules, the Apple A14 Processor and 5G, as well as an Aluminium Body. Then, we have a 6.1” iPhone, similar in size to the regular iPhone 11, this will also come with two Camera Modules, the A14, 5G and an Aluminium Body too. We have another 6,1” iPhone, a Pro model this time. This will still come with the A14, 5G, only three Camera Modules as well as that LiDAR Module that the iPad Pro just got. This will have a Stainless Steel, rather than an Aluminium, Body. Finally, we have a 6.7” iPhone, another Pro model. This will come with the A14, 5G, three Camera Modules, LiDAR and that Stainless Steel Body as well. In summary, two regular and two ‘Pro’ models.

All models are indeed said to come with an OLED Display, so finally no more LCD. All models are said to come with a smaller Notch as well as a Squared-Off Frame, similar to the one that we got on the 2018 iPad Pro. So, we’re finally getting a return to that iPhone 4 & iPhone 5 style design, which was definitely my favourite. This had been initially reported by Ming-Chi Kuo, but has now confirmed by Bloomberg as well. 

Remember the iOS 14 Widgets image that Jon Prosser shared? Well, it seems like that image is coming from Twitter user Fudge (@choco_bit).  This gives us a really good idea of what the smaller Notch would look like. It looks to me that it’s about half the size of the Notch on the current iPhones.

Unfortunately, the Bezels still seem to be the same size. I was really hoping that these would be getting a bit thinner, as iPhones now have one of the thickest Bezels / Border on any Smartphone now and they’re already looking quite outdated when compared to the competition. But, keep in mind that this is not a Press render, it is what looks to be an iOS icon, which means that the Bezels might indeed be bit thinner on the actual iPhone 12.

Follow our second Instagram account @ZONEofCONCEPTS for more models on upcoming releases.

Follow our second Instagram account @ZONEofCONCEPTS for more models on upcoming releases.

Anyway, Fudge also shared an image of the back of the iPhone and from this one we can see that the LiDAR Sensor has been added as a fourth Module, just like we envisioned in our very own concept months ago. Funnily enough, we modelled this concept back in October 2019 and at that time, we only knew that Apple was going to add a ToF Camera. We didn’t know where and how it would be positioned. So, we fully modelled ours based on what made the most amount of sense. A fourth module in that Camera Array alongside a Flash in the middle, for even Light Exposure, and a Microphone just under it for a consistent design. It seems like we were pretty much spot on.

So, this is what the iPhone 12’s would look like. A Flat Frame, just like on the 2018 and 2020 iPad Pro’s, which would be made out of Aluminium on the non-pro models, just like on the iPhone 5 and SE, and full Stainless Steel on the Pro models. We also get a smaller Notch, at least in terms of its length, and two new Display sizes, a 5.4” and a 6.7” as well as a Quad Camera Module on the back, with that brand new LiDAR Sensor.

We have seen multiple reports that the iPhone 12’s could indeed be delayed up to October or so, but there are many reports on this, some saying that they will be delayed while other are saying that they’re still scheduled for a September release. If I were to put my money on any of these, I would say that the regular iPhone 12’s will be released in September, while the Pro models would be released a bit later, around October. This would just be because of that LiDAR Module, which is a brand new component to manufacture.

Would we switch to the Huawei P40 Pro?

Huawei not only sent over two Huawei P40 Pro’s, one in Black and the other in the new Silver Frost colour, but they also wanted us to test this for an entire week and give you our thoughts on it. 

You’ve probably seen the Unboxing and our First Impressions of the P40 Pro, but now it’s time to dive in a little deeper into what this phone can do. Just a small spoiler, the Huawei P40 Pro has the very best Camera on any Smartphone out right now and getting all of your apps across is surprisingly easily. We were shocked to see that we could pretty much clone an entire Galaxy Fold onto the P40 Pro with ease.

But we’re getting carried away, so here is everything you need to know in terms of the P40 Pro when it comes to the: Design, Display, Camera, Performance, Special Features, Battery Life & Value.


First things first, something that you’re all probably wondering, and something that we were definitely wondering when we got the P40 Pro, was how do we transfer apps? Google Apps & Services are no longer supported so how are we going to use apps on the P40 Pro? Well, to our surprise, it was actually extremely easy.

When you set up your P40 Pro, you will be get asked to download the Phone Clone tool on your other Smartphone. This tool will basically transfer pretty much every single app from your old phone, onto your P40 Pro. We were quite impressed that we had Instagram, Amazon, Philips Hue, Call of Duty mobile and even Apple Music. On top of this, you do have Huawei’s AppGallery which also has most popular apps, such as Tiktok, Snapchat, Amazon, Microsoft Office, Telegram, Fortnite, Asphalt 9 and more already on it. More apps are also being added every single day.

If there is indeed an app that you weren’t able to transfer and that you couldn’t find on Huawei’s AppGallery, you can always download the individual APK’s from official sources or download Third Party app stores and get them from there.


In terms of the design, there are three models of the Huawei P40. We have the regular P40, which comes with a 6.1” Display and a Triple Lens Camera Module. We then have the P40 Pro, the one that we have, which comes with a 6.58” Display and a Quad Camera Module Array. Finally, we have the P40 Pro+, which will be launching in June, this has the same 6.58” Display but with a Penta Camera Module Array. Probably the best news here is that, no matter which one you buy, you will still get the same Sensor on the Main Camera. This is, at the moment, the biggest Sensor on any Smartphone on the market.

The P40 Pro looks & feels like a premium, high-end device.

The P40 Pro looks & feels like a premium, high-end device.

When we had a look at the P40 Pro, we have to say, we really do like this design. It’s not too big, not too small, it’s pretty much the perfect size to be able to use it with one hand, without necessarily sacrificing the Display size. We do have a similar design style to what we’ve seen on other Android phones, with a Dual Front-Facing Camera Cutout, but what’s quite unique about the P40 Pro is that it is one of the few Smartphones to implement a Waterfall design. This means that, unlike some Smartphones that just have curved sides, the top and the bottom are also curved. 

The Display however, doesn’t go until the end of the glass. Instead, it ends way before it. We would’ve loved to see a Waterfall Display and not just Waterfall Glass, but we guess this would’ve caused some serious accidental touch issues, so we’re not surprised that Huawei hasn’t done it.

Holding that Display in place, is a polished metal frame that matches the colour of your phone. On the bottom we have the SIM Card slot, which also holds Huawei’s proprietary NM Card, which can expand the 256GB Internal Storage by up to another 256GB.

On the right-hand side, we have the power button and the volume button, on the left-hand side we have nothing and finally on the top, we have a Microphone Port as well as an IR Blaster. Smartphones used to have this back in the day but pretty much all of them removed it. It allows you to control your TV, your DVD player and pretty much anything that has an IR Receiver. We’re glad to see that Huawei still has one, as it’s such a great feature to have.

Finally, on the back we have the Quad-Camera Module Array which we’ll be covering in the Camera section. This is one of our favourite backs, on a Smartphone, ever. You probably know that we’re a big fan of Frosted Glass backs on Smartphones, the P40 Pro is no exception. While you can indeed still get it in Black if that’s what you like, the Silver Frost back looks absolutely stunning. It is pretty much fingerprint proof and the colour of the back does slightly change depending on the angle at which the light hits it.

Also, it’s probably worth noting that the P40 Pro, even though it has the biggest Sensor on any Smartphone, the Camera bump isn’t as big or as thick as on other Smartphones, so the table wobble is much less than you would expect.


Moving on to the Display, the P40 Pro comes with a 2640x1200 Resolution Display, with a PPI of 441. This is an OLED Display, with a DCI-P3 Colour Gamut and HDR10, so if you’re into photo editing and grading, this is a perfect Display for that. Not only that, but Huawei also added a 90Hz Refresh Rate, making this display 50% smoother than any other regular 60Hz panel out there. 


Moving on to the Camera, this is by far the P40 Pro’s key selling feature, and probably the main reason that people would want to go for the P40 Pro. So, here are a few reasons why the Camera on this phone just blows everything else out of the water.

Largest Sensor on any Smartphone

This has the largest Sensor or any Smartphone to date. It has a 1/1.28 inch Sensor with 2.44µm size pixels with a 50MP Resolution. The larger the pixels, the more light they can capture and the better the phone is in Low Light.

RYYB  Sensor

Rather than the sub-pixels on the Sensor being in the standard RGGB (Red-Green-Green-Blue) sub-pixels, the P40 Pro has a RYYB (Red-Yellow-Yellow-Blue) arrangement. This, according to Huawei, lets 40% more light in, which, combined with the massive Sensor size itself, makes the P40 Pro the best Smartphone Camera in Low Light…ever.

Best in Low Light

The P40 Pro makes something that was barely even visible with the naked eye and turns it into daylight. It pretty much works like magic and you don’t even need to have Night Mode enabled because, thanks to that massive Sensor, the P40 Pro is capable of achieving great shots like the ones we have featured in our video, where the competition struggles severely. 

Usually, Smartphones have an ISO of 1600 or 3200 in the most extreme cases, but the P40 Pro has up to 51200 which can be bumped even higher to 409,600.

What was the biggest let down with the S20 Ultra, is the main selling point for the Huawei P40 Pro.

What was the biggest let down with the S20 Ultra, is the main selling point for the Huawei P40 Pro.

Natural Bokeh

Now some of you might be familiar with how DSLR Cameras can get these very nice Depth of Field shots, where the subject is perfectly in focus and the background is all blurred out. This is caused by both the Lens itself as well as the size of the Sensor. Since the P40 Pro has such a massive Sensor, you can actually get shots with a very impressive Bokeh or Depth of Field, even when you’re not using Portrait Mode at all. This means that the background separation would be perfect, as this is done through hardware, rather than software. 

Leica Lenses 

Now, like we said, aside from the Sensor itself, the Lens also makes a very big difference and the P40 Pro uses Leica Lenses. Leica being one of the world’s most well-known Camera and Lens manufacturers. They make high-end Lenses for DSLR Cameras and they’ve teamed up with Huawei to make the Lenses used on the P40 Pro’s Camera.

Best 50x Zoom

The P40 Pro comes with a 12MP Periscope Camera Module that gives us 5x Optical Zoom and 50X Digital Zoom. We compared this Zoom against another Smartphone that has 100x Space Zoom and it turns out that Huawei’s 50x Module was significantly better than that other 100x Module. This seems to be the sharpest Zoom on any Smartphone that we’ve used. You can even use Night Mode on the Telephoto Module as well. 

Cinematic Ultra-Wide 

Then we have one more Module, which is a 40MP Ultra-Wide Angle Module. Huawei’s calling this a Cine Camera, which was specifically designed for video. We have to say, the video looks stunning on this, Stabilisation is great and Low Light performance, even on the Wide Angle Module, is just outstanding. The P40 Pro is also the best Smartphone that we’ve used for Low Light video. 

100% Pixels for Autofocusing

Finally, the last thing that makes this Camera so unique is that unlike some of the competition, that use Sensors almost as big as the P40 Pro but have some serious Autofocusing issues, the P40 Pro uses 100% of the pixels on the Sensor for Focusing and because of this, Focusing is pretty much instant, we haven’t had a single issue with Focusing on the P40 Pro. 

The P40 Pro really makes a splash when it comes to Slow-Motion.

The P40 Pro really makes a splash when it comes to Slow-Motion.

A few more things that we want to mention when it comes to the Camera, is that we also get a Depth Sensor on the back, for improving Portrait Mode photography and the Front-Facing Camera is really good as well. It’s a 32MP Selfie Camera and the Low Light is outstanding there too. 

Slowest Slow-Motion

Then the P40 Pro, also has the best Slow Motion on any Smartphone on the market right now. Usually Smartphones top out at 240FPS Slow Motion, with some being capable of doing 960FPS, but the P40 Pro can actually do 7680fps Slow Motion whilst also being much clearer than the competition. 

Best Time-Lapse

The P40 Pro can also do 4K Time-Lapses, whereas other Smartphones are limited to 1080p Time-Lapses. This is pretty much the best Camera that we’ve ever used on a Smartphone. Definitely comment down below if you want to see a blind Camera Comparison against some of the other high-end Smartphones, similar to the ones we’ve done in the past! 


Performance on the P40 Pro has been great. It comes with Huawei’s own Kirin 990 Processor, which is their highest-end model, as well as the Mali G76 GPU, 8GB of RAM and 256GB of Storage.

To be honest, that 90Hz Refresh Rate Display makes everything buttery smooth. We haven’t experienced any lag or any slowdowns whatsoever, performance has been perfect. 

Special Features

The best of both worlds.

The best of both worlds.

Aside from all the Camera features, there are a few more features that make the P40 Pro quite a unique device.

For example, not only do we have an in-display Fingerprint Reader, but we also have a true Depth Sensing Camera on the front. Similar to FaceID, we have an advanced face unlock system on the front, making the P40 Pro the only 2020 flagship so far to have both an in-display Fingerprint Reader and the true Depth Sensing Camera on the front. 

We also have IP68 Water Resistance, a Haptic Engine for when you’re typing an navigating the phone, full-onscreen Navigational Gestures, WiFi 6, Bluetooth 5.1, a Gravity Sensor, that IR Blaster than we mentioned before, a Bone Conduction earpiece because we don’t have any earpiece cut-out on the top, as well as 5G and we even get an Always-On Display, which is one of our favourite features ever, on a Smartphone.

Battery Life

When it comes to the battery itself, the P40 Pro comes with a 4200 mAh Battery and it also supports 40W Fast Charging right out of the box. As well as this, it supports 27W Wireless Charging and Reverse Wireless Charging, which means that you can not only charge other devices from the back of the P40 Pro, but you can also charge other Smartphones as well. 


When it comes to Value, the P40 Pro costs £900 in the UK. This is expensive but still more affordable than pretty much all of the competition. 

So, if you’re looking for the very best Smartphone Camera out there, this is the one. You will have to go through some hoops and do a bit of tweaking to get all of your stuff working, but the good news is that most apps did indeed work right out of the box. This will only get better once more and more apps start coming to Huawei’s AppGallery.

The iPhone SE (2020)

Credit: Apple

Credit: Apple

The new iPhone SE 2020 has been announced, this is the device that we thought was going to be called the iPhone 9, which, if you ask us, would have been a much better name for it. We get a 4.7” Retina HD Display, up to 256 GB of Internal Storage, an A13 Bionic Chip, a 12MP Wide Camera, Portrait Lighting Effects, 4K Video recording at up to 60 FPS, Touch ID and so much more!

Pre-Orders begin on 17/04/2020 at 1PM GMT and prices begin at $399/£419, full release on 24/04/2020.

Stay tuned for our upcoming iPhone SE content!

Huawei P40 Pro - First Impressions

The Huawei P40 Pro is here and we’ve managed to get some hands-on. In this article, we’ll go through our first impressions and see how it stacks up against some of its’ main competitors in key areas such as Display, Camera, Specifications and Apps. Also, be sure to check out the video we’ve posted on the channel, which also includes our live unboxing of the new Huawei P40 Pro.


The Build Quality and feel is as good as you would expect from a high-end, flagship Smartphone.

The Build Quality and feel is as good as you would expect from a high-end, flagship Smartphone.

When it comes to the Design and the overall size, the P40 Pro seems to be very similar to the Galaxy S10+ from last year. We do, however, get a larger Display on the P40 Pro, which is 6.58”, compared to the 6.4” display that the S10+ had. We really do like the way it feels in the hand, it’s got a very nice weight to it. In terms of Design & Build Quality, it feels very premium and we are very impressed.

When it comes to the Display, this is a 2640x1200 Resolution OLED Display, with DCI-P3 Coverage, HDR10+ Support as well as a 90Hz Refresh Rate. We do have a fairly large Front-Facing Camera Cutout, the reason being that we get a large 32MP Sensor, with an f/2.2 Aperture, and a ToF Sensor.

As with the iPhone X onwards and the Google Pixel 4, the P40 Pro also features an advanced face unlock system. On top of this, we also have an in-display Optical Fingerprint Reader, so the same as on the OnePlus 7T Pro. This makes the Huawei P40 Pro the only 2020 flagship right now that has both an in-display Fingerprint Reader as well as an advanced facial recognition system, on the front. But what makes this phone so unique, is the Camera.


One of our main issues with the S20 Ultra is the Camera, but this is where the P40 Pro excels.

One of our main issues with the S20 Ultra is the Camera, but this is where the P40 Pro excels.

The P40 Pro comes with a 50MP 1/1.28” Sensor, which is even larger than the 108MP 1/1.33” Sensor that we have on the S20 Ultra. So, at the moment, this is the largest Sensor on any Smartphone. The larger the Sensor, the better it is in low light and also the more natural Bokeh. The module at the top, is a 40MP Ultra-Wide Angle Module, while the module below it, is an 12MP Telephoto Module, very similar to that Periscope Module that we also got in last year’s P30 Pro. We also have 5x Optical Zoom and 50x Digital Zoom. We’ve done a few tests against the S20 Ultra, which in theory should have a much better Telephoto Module, with up to 100x Digital Zoom. However, it turns out that the P40 Pro was actually much sharper at 50x. 

The P40 Pro also comes with Leica Optics. In case you don’t know, Leica is one of the most famous manufacturers of Lenses in the world. They make some of the best ones on the market, so it’s pretty amazing to see a partnership between such a well known Camera Gear Manufacturer and a Smartphone Manufacturer. 

We don’t have 8K Video on this, but that’s fine because at the moment, 8K recording quality is pretty poor, at least when it comes to Frame-Rate and Dynamic Range. However, we do have 4K at 60FPS as well as autofocus with the Front-Facing Camera. We are extremely excited to be testing out this Camera so, if you guys want to see an in-depth blind Camera comparison, then definitely subscribe and hit the notification bell to be the first to see that video as soon as it comes out.


At 40W, this makes the P40 Pro the fastest Wireless Charging Smartphone on the market.

At 40W, this makes the P40 Pro the fastest Wireless Charging Smartphone on the market.

In terms of the Specifications, the P40 Pro comes with the Kirin 990 Processor, which is based on a 7nm+ Process. This is Huawei’s most powerful Processor, as well as 8GB of RAM.  We also get 128GB of Storage, as well as Nano Memory Support. This is Huawei’s proprietary microSD card but with this, you can expand the Storage by up to 256GB. Fast charging has also been improved, we now get 40W Fast Wired Charging, as well as 40W Wireless Charging, which makes this the fastest wireless charging on any smartphone out there, at the moment. In fact, there are zero wireless chargers that even have this speed right now.  Reverse wireless charging is also here, which is something that Huawei was the first to introduce to the market, with the Mate 20 Pro.

The P40 Pro also features the most insane level of Slow-Motion ever, for a Smartphone. So, just to give you guys an idea, the iPhone 11 Pro Max can do 240FPS Slow Motion, the S20 Ultra can do 480FPS Slow Motion (960FPS is only available on the S20 & S20+, not the S20 Ultra). The P40 Pro can do 7680FPS, which is just ridiculous, take a look for yourselves!

Google Apps

Now, some of you might be wondering how you would get Google apps on this? Is the Google Play store still available? The answer is…kind of. Right out of the box, you do not have any Google apps on this. You can still side-load them if you know what you’re doing, it’s not really that difficult to do really, so you can indeed get them working this way.

Despite recent events, you can still get all of your favourite apps on the Huawei P40 Pro.

Despite recent events, you can still get all of your favourite apps on the Huawei P40 Pro.

But, Huawei has launched their ‘AppGallery’ app, which is their own App Store and it turns out that you can actually find a lot of popular apps on there right now. Microsoft Office, Snapchat, Telegram, TikTok, Asphalt 9 and many more apps that you might be familiar with from the Google Play store are already here, with many more to come. 

Additionally, you can have something called ‘PhoneClone’, which transfers all of your data from your current phone, onto the P40. If you’re wondering about apps, PhoneClone will automatically find the PlayStore apps on the Huawei AppGallery and download them from there and, if it cannot find the apps on the Playstore, it would actually copy the app and transfer it directly to the P40 Pro. This is a pretty smart-way to get your apps transferred and it’s such an easy process. 

What are your comments & thoughts on the P40 Pro?

The Portless iPhone!

In case you’re a bit confused as to why this article is titled The iPhone with no ports, well, that’s because Apple’s working on one and here’s everything that we know.

This article is pretty interesting because we’ll be covering the future of the iPhone and that future is indeed an iPhone that has no ports.  But why, how and when is this going to happen? Let’s first start with taking a look at Apple’s history when it comes to connectors. Back in 2003 when the Third Generation iPod was introduced, it also featured something quite innovative, which was Apple’s 30-pin dock connector. 

You might remember this from the old iPhones, but essentially this connector was way ahead of its time. It was a mechanical connector that locked into place and it was impossible to remove unless you were holding the two buttons on the side, so it was very secure. But what made this very unique was that it was a connector that combined multiple standards from data transfer, to audio, input controls for things such as changing the volume or the track and it also supported video output. 

A connector way ahead of its time.

A connector way ahead of its time.

This was extremely innovative for a connector that was released in 2003, albeit video support was only added in 2005 with the introduction of the iPod Video. Apple kept on using this connector on the iPhone, the iPad and all the iPods, up until 2012. Also, third-party manufactures were using the 30-pin connector heavily in accessories, such as like speakers, chargers and cars were even using it!

Then in 2012, like we said, Apple moved away from the 30-pin connector and launched something far superior, this was the Lightning connector. The Lightning connector was not only significantly smaller, but it was also reversible. It was the world’s first high end connector with the exact same pins on both the front and the back. Not only that, but it also improved the transfer speeds, while bumping the video output resolution to 1080p. 

However, many people were angry that Apple switched to Lightning, as their old accessories that they have acquired over the years, no longer worked. Apple did sell a 30 pin to lightning adapter, but for some reason people were still upset, even though Lightning was vastly superior to the old 30-pin dock. Soon after, accessory makers have started making accessories with the lightning port in mind. So we started seeing speakers, car mounts, docks and loads of others. 

However, 2012 was also when Bluetooth started taking off, meaning that most speakers also supported a Bluetooth connection and that you no longer had to physically connect your iPhone to the speakers in order for them to work. The same thing applied to cars, which started adding Bluetooth as well. Because of this, Lightning ended up being less widely used by accessory makers, compared to the 30-pin connector, when it came to audio accessories and docks. 

When Apple re-launched the 12” MacBook in 2015, something quite interesting happened. They removed all the ports and added a USB Type C port, the next generation USB port that, same as with Lightning, was fully reversible. Apple was actually one of the first technology manufactures to adopt USB type C.  This was the successor to the world famous USB type A ports that we’re all familiar with, but it was also the successor to microUSB, which is what loads of Smartphones used. 

USB-C, clearly a lot to handle for some.

USB-C, clearly a lot to handle for some.

USB C was also a much more beefed up version of Lightning, adding up to 100W of charging, USB 3.1 transfer speeds and 4K video output support all in a single small connector that was fully reversible. Shortly after, Apple started implementing USB C heavily. In 2016, when they launched the 4th generation MacBook Pro, they removed all the ports, with the exception of the Headphone Jack and replaced them with 4 USB type C ports. These ports were even more special that what the 12” MacBook from a year before had, this was because they also featured Thunderbolt 3. The transfer speeds were now 40Gb/s, up from the 10Gb/s that we had with USB C. 

So, in 2017 when Apple was readying up to launch the innovative iPhone X, everyone was expecting Apple to now switch from lightning to USB C, especially that around that time, we also started seeing smartphones implementing USB C. The whole idea was perfect. Having one connector, one single charger that you would use with any device (laptop, camera, smartphone). But, when the iPhone X launched, to the surprise of many people*, it still had Apple’s lightning port. 

Luckily, Apple did indeed add wireless charging, which Android phones have had for many years now but Apple finally did add it with the iPhone X and 8. These were both announced at the same event but USB C was nowhere to be found. In 2018, Apple launched the iPhone X equivalent to the iPad. The 3rd generation iPad Pro, which, just like the iPhone X, had no home button anymore. It had a full screen display with a full gesture based navigation system and FaceID.  With this massive change, Apple also updated the lightning port to USB C. Now, all the modern Macs including the 2018 MacBook Air, the new MacBook Pro’s, the new Mac Mini and every modern Mac had a USB C port as well as the newest iPad.

However, the 2018 iPhones (the iPhone XS), still came with a lightning port. USB type C was no where to be seen on iPhones. Also, here’s the thing, we’ve seen many reports throughout the years that Apple will finally be switching to USB type C, but that never happened. After Apple updated the iPad Pro with USB C in 2018, everyone was pretty much sure that Apple would have to switch to USB C in 2019. But again, after countless reports and even leaks on this, Apple still hasn’t done so. 

So, you might be wondering why? Why is Apple so stubborn when it comes to switching to USB C on the iPhone, whereas on their other devices, they were one of the first tech companies to switch to USB C? It doesn’t make any sense. The reason for that is simple. Revenue.

Unlike USB C, which is an open standard, lightning was fully developed by Apple. Which means that whenever a 3rd party manufacturer wants to make a lightning accessory for the iPhone, or even just a charger or a charging cable, they would need to pay Apple a licensing fee for every single sale that they make. Rather than this being, for example, a 10% fee for every accessory, it is a flat fee of $4, which is a lot!  This is why you cannot find any cheap lightning cables. Because, all the legit ones, the ones approved by Apple which legally they all have to be, all of those manufacturers have to give Apple a $4 cut for every lightning cable or accessory that they sell. According to’ Lifewire’, more than 2.2 billion iPhones have been sold between 2007-2018, out of which 217 million were just in 2018. 

Apple not exactly short of cash these days, but still cashing in on the old connectors.

Apple not exactly short of cash these days, but still cashing in on the old connectors.

Let’s say that 5% of those users buy a 3rd party lightning cable, or a lightning accessory, 3rd party charger or an external battery and so on. That’s already 10.8 million accessories, which would translate to $432 MILLION in revenue from just 3rd party accessories, for Apple, in 2018 alone. If you multiply that by the number of full years Apple has been selling lightning devices for, so 2013-2019 (7 years), that’s already over $3 BILLION in revenue from just licensing lightning.

But, it’s extremely likely that that number is way higher than that. I mean, how many of you have an external battery and how many of those already came with lightning cables in the box?  So there you go. Apple does state “publicly” that the reason why they don’t want to switch is because of consumers having so many lightning accessories but come on Apple, really? 

USB C is already even more widely implemented than lightning is. So the switch to USB C would be even more hassle free than not switching to USB C in the first place. This way, all of your Apple devices would charge with the same charger and the same cable. No need to carry a separate lightning cable just for your iPhone.

Now, the European Union does actually want to implement a law that would require all smartphones, tablets and other portable devices such as laptops, to have a USB C port for charging. This is in order to reduce confusion and also reduce the amount of waste.  This could indeed force Apple to finally switch to USB C, although that might not really be the case. This is because, according to Ming-Chi-Kuo, who’s been an extremely reliable source in terms of upcoming Apple products so far, stated that Apple will be launching a fully wilreess iPhone in 2021. So instead of switching to USB-C, they would skip it entirely and just go fully wireless instead. It’s not just Ming-Chi-Kuo saying this, Barclays analyst Blayne Curtis, who’s had a pretty good track record in the past, stated the same thing. That according to his inside sources, Apple will be releasing at least one iPhone model in 2021, that would remove the lightning port, which could result in the wired earpods being removed from the box entirely. 

We do have two comments here. The first one being that, yes, this does mean that the big 2020 iPhone redesign, the one with the redesigned frame and the new AR tracking capabilities and the smaller notch, will still have lightning. Our second comment is that this is definitely the future. The real question is would it be possible to do in 2021, or is this fully wireless future something that is 5-10 years down the line?

Well, if Apple does indeed remove the lightning port, they would indeed gain a tiny bit more space inside but more importantly, they would have a fully sealed up experience, especially if they decide to embed the speakers under the display like other manufacturers have experimented with. This means that the 2021 iPhones could indeed be extremely water resistant. But, at the same time, the iPhone 11 Pro’s can already withstand a submersion in 4m of water, up to 30min, which is way more than most people would submerge an iPhone into anyway. Besides, water damage isn’t even covered under warranty which is crazy!

If you expect Apple to cover water damage, don’t hold your breath.

If you expect Apple to cover water damage, don’t hold your breath.

If you submerge your smartphone in water, and this applies to any smartphone, even-though water resistance is indeed an advertised feature, if you do happen to have a faulty unit that has a manufacturing defect on the seal and it breaks, you can say goodbye to that phone for good because neither Apple nor Samsung would be helping you. This is because we cannot currently tell how deep in water the phone was when it broke. As soon as we can figure that out, which we should be able to do with the barometer which some phones do actually have, that’s when water resistance should start getting covered by the warranty.

But anyway, going back to a fully wireless iPhone. Is that even doable? Well, all the iPhones from the iPhone 8 onwards do support wireless charging. However, they also support up to 7.5W charging, as opposed to 9-12W like some android phones support. This means that it will take you around three hours or more to fully charge a phone via wireless charging, as opposed to just over an hour with fast wired charging. However, the bigger issue that I currently see with wireless charging, isn’t necessarily the speed but the convenience. 

With a cable, you just plug it in and that’s it. With wireless charging, you need to place your phone on a wireless charging pad, which means that you would not be able to use it in your hand while it’s charging. You can pretty much say goodbye to charging it on the road or charging it via a battery bank unless you have your wireless charger or a wireless charging battery bank with you. But you see, you still won’t be able to charge it in your bag, because the wireless charging battery bank would always need to be physically attached to your phone so yeah it’s a bit of a tricky one.

Now, did you guys know that the Apple Watch also charges wirelessly? Yes, it does come with a magnetic wireless charging connector that automatically attaches to the back of the watch and this is how it charges. We do believe that when Apple does switch to a fully wireless charging solution on the iPhones, they will be doing something similar to what they’ve done on the Apple Watch. A magnetic pad that would automatically snap to the back of the iPhone, which could indeed solve the issue of not being able to use it when it’s charging, or the issue with charging in your bag with a battery bank that could also attach automatically to the iPhone. They may at least have some sort of Apple Watch style cable that would then magnetically attach to the iPhone, again, just like on the Apple Watch.

This way, Apple could still license that magnetic wireless charging pad to 3rd parties and trust me, they could charge way more than $4 per unit for that and make billions by doing so. So the only problem that’s left to solve is…the speed. Luckily, there is a possible solution to that. While Apple only supports 7.5W wireless charging, VIVO have announced a concept phone, which is actually a fully working device, that supports 60W Wireless Charging!  Apparently you can fully charge it in just 20 minutes, which is even faster than the fastest wired charging out there, that’s nuts! 

A glimpse into the future of Smartphones? Click the image for a full look at vivo’s APEX 2020.

A glimpse into the future of Smartphones? Click the image for a full look at vivo’s APEX 2020.

This specific phone for example, the Vivo Apex 2020, also has no ports at all, it charges just via wireless charging and has a lens with true optical zoom, the lenses themselves actually move in order to magnify the image. This phone also has a front facing camera module that’s under the display itself. So this is truly truly revolutionary and could be similar to what Apple could do in 2021. An iPhone with no notch at all, full wireless charging and a full-screen display with zero interruptions on the front. However, we only have two sources reporting on this (Ming-Chi Kuo and Blayne Curtis from Barclays). Albeit both with a very good track record in the past, but still only two sources. Well not anymore, because 9to5mac has found some pretty massive feature in iOS 13.4 beta.  Apparently there is a mention of a wireless iOS recovery mode, which should be implemented in the very near future. At the moment, if you want to restore an iPhone or reinstall iOS, you need to have it connected to a Mac. But now, you would be able to do this completely wirelessly, without the need to connect it to anything. 

So there you go, another hint that Apple is indeed considering switching to a fully wireless iPhone in the near future! 

The 4 New iPhones for 2020!

The iPhone 11’s are now out, the reviews are in ours included and the iPhone 11 Pro Max that I’ve been using since September has been very good. The battery life has just been outstanding, the camera is great. I really don’t have any complaints at all, aside for the fact that we have the same design as on the 2018 iPhone XS and 2017 iPhone X.

This is the iPhone that we’ll have until September 2020, meaning that for the past 3 years, Apple hasn’t made any design changes to their iPhones at all, at least not from the front.

But the 2020 iPhones will be one of the biggest changes yet and they will feature a brand new design this time, so considering that I haven’t talked about the 2020 iPhones in a while now, here’s everything new you need to know!

The report on CNBC by JPMorgan Analyst, Samik Chatterjee where they predicted four new iPhones (Source: CNBC)

The report on CNBC by JPMorgan Analyst, Samik Chatterjee where they predicted four new iPhones (Source: CNBC)

So the biggest leak in terms of the 2020 iPhone 12 (that’s just what we will call them for now) comes from JPMorgan analyst Samik Chatterjee, who claims based on information from supply chain sources, that Apple will be releasing four new iPhones in 2020, rather than three like they did in 2019 and 2018.

The smallest model would be a 5.4” iPhone, then we would have not one but two 6.1” iPhones and finally a massive 6.7” one. But which models would be the Pro’s? Well, Samik does report that one of the 6.1” models and that 6.7” model would both be Pro’s, while the 5.4” one and the other 6.1” iPhone would be lower entry models.

But then we have reports from Ming-Chi-Kuo, who’s had an outstanding track-record in the past, saying that Apple would only be releasing three iPhones in 2020. There would be one 5.4” model, one 6.1” model instead of two, and 1 6.7”. And the Pro models, according to Ming-Chi-Kuo, would be the 5.4” and the 6.7” variant.

Personally, I do think that the best approach for Apple would be to stick to just three models and offer the smaller and the bigger variants as Pro’s. This way, people who want to the performance and features of the biggest and most expensive iPhone that Apple offers can still get all of that in a much smaller form factor.

But according to pretty much every other report that we’ve seen, all four 2020 iPhones will now come with OLED displays. After so many years, we’ll finally get OLED on the entire lineup. However, the Pro models are still said to have a slightly more superior display, which is very likely to be the Pro-XDR display that Apple introduced with the iPhone 11 Pro’s, while the lower end models will likely have the iPhone XS’s display panel, which is still an OLED just not a bright and the 11 Pro’s display. 

Samik also said that all the four iPhone models in 2020 will support 5G, which has also been confirmed by Nikkei. Qualcomm’s President Cristiano Amon, did say earlier this week at their conference that their number one priority of their Apple relationship is launching their 5G phone as fast as they can. So 5G will definitely be one of the main focuses of the 2020 iPhones. However, it seems like the 5G speeds would not be equal on all these iPhones, Smik did say in his JPMorgan report that the lower end non-Pro iPhones will be limited to sub-6GHz 5G networks, which would not support the mmWave 5G which is the fastest 5G available at the moment. Personally I don’t really see this as an issue at all, since 5G is still very limited to just a few cities and you need to have a 5G phone plan as well. 

The new 0.25mm capacitors being produced by Murata Manufacturing (Source: MacRumors)

The new 0.25mm capacitors being produced by Murata Manufacturing (Source: MacRumors)

Also, speaking of 5G Nikkei reports that Murata Manufacturing, which is already a supplier for Apple, will start mass producing new tiny capacitors that take one fifth of the space of the current capacitors but offer ten times the electrical storage capacity. They’re absolutely tiny, at 0.25mm and by Apple using these capacitors it would allow them to free up some more space inside their iPhones, for those 5G antennas, which would indeed require some extra space.

Ok, what else? Well, Barclays analyst Blayne Curtis reported that he and his associates travelled to Asia recently to meet with manufacturers within Apple's supply chain and based on the information that he received it seems that both the iPhone 12 Pro and the 12 Pro Max will feature 6GB of RAM, up from the 4GB that the iPhone 11 Pro’s had, while the lower end models are still expected to come with 4GB of RAM. This is a bit disappointing because I’ve personally had RAM management issues with the iPhone 11 Pro Max, so that one should have definitely been upgraded to 6GB of RAM and then 8GB in the 2020 iPhones, but it seems like Apple will once again be behind in terms of RAM.

Some Android phones like the Note 10+ come with 12GB of RAM compared to the proposed 6 for the 2020 iPhones

Some Android phones like the Note 10+ come with 12GB of RAM compared to the proposed 6 for the 2020 iPhones

Some Android phones today even have 12GB of RAM and yes, it’s not about the amount of RAM, it’s about how optimised a phone is to deal with that amount of RAM. Like I said, with 4GB of RAM I am having issues with my 11 Pro Max, even after the recent updates. Hopefully 6GB will solve that, but why not give it 8 Apple, just to be safe?

Barclays also reports that the two Pro models of the iPhone 12 will indeed feature a 3D time-of-flight camera. This is something that we’ve seen reported before by Ming-Chi-Kuo, back in July 2019. A TOF camera is essentially two small extra modules that include an IR receiver and an IR transmitter. The IR transmitter will beam a ray of IR light which will reach and object, bounce back and the IR receiver will calculate the distance between the camera and the object, based on the amount of time it takes for the IR light to be reflected back. This will allow the camera to map 3D objects in real time. This is actually how the FaceID camera maps your face as the FaceID camera on the front is already a TOF camera. 

So we’ll pretty much be getting the same thing on the back, which will have a noticeable benefit in AR apps. This means, significantly improved tracking which is already very good, and also the ability to scan objects or even small rooms possibly in 3D. It is likely to be something similar to what the Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ can already do. Mark Gurman from Bloomberg has indeed detailed a road map of Apple’s AR and VR future, saying that they will be releasing a new iPad Pro in the first half of 2020, with this new 3D sensor followed by new high ends iPhones in late 2020 with the exact same cameras. 

Also, speaking of the new iPad Pro 2020, Sony Dickson sent over a model of that upcoming iPad and we’ve even made a separate hands-on video with that, which you can watch here.

Ok, so we’re getting 5G, the camera is getting another module with 3D TOF capabilities, we’re getting more RAM and possibly four rather than just three models. But what changes are we getting design wise?

Well, we’ve had many contradictory reports on this, from all the major sources. Some are saying that Apple will remove the notch entirely, and switch to an In-Display fingerprint reader, some are saying that they will actually use both, and that FaceID will now be included into the top bezel, so no notch, just a thicker bezels surround the phone, and some are saying that we’re still getting FaceID, just with a smaller notch.

The ZONEofTECH Concept for the 2020 iPhone

The ZONEofTECH Concept for the 2020 iPhone

Personally, I don’t see Apple removing FaceID that quick. They’ve spent so much time perfecting it, and we also have Animoji’s and apps that are using the 3D depth tracking capabilities of the FaceID camera on the iPhones. I do believe the reports however, that are pointing towards the notch being made thinner and smaller and that is how we’ve actually modelled our concepts, which I actually think look really good!

Now, the second design change which is something you’ve probably already noticed from our concept, is the frame of these iPhones.

Rather than this being that rounded shape that iPhones have had since the iPhone 6 in 2014, the 2020 iPhones are rumoured to bring back that old iPhone 4 look, with a more square off frame. The iPad Pro 2018 brought this design back, so we’ve actually modelled our concepts based on the iPad Pro 2018’s frame and I’m absolutely in love with how it looks! The iPhone 4 was by far my favourite design of any phone and this seems to top even that. 

And Korean website TheElec, reports that Apple will be using LTPO displays for the 2020 iPhones. The same technology that Apple is now using in the Apple Watch. This will allow to iPhones to have a variable refresh rate, which could go down to even 1Hz, again, just like on the Apple Watch Series 5. This means that the 2020 iPhones could finally be getting an Always-On Display, something that we’ve had on Android phones for many years now and this has been one of my favourite feature ever in a phone. Being able to see the time and your notifications on screen all the time without having to unlock the phone is just amazing! Apple did add wireless charging to the iPhone X and 8, again a feature that was available on Android phones for years, and now there’s finally a very likely possibility that they’ll also add an always on display.

But this display could be more than just what the Apple Watch Series 5’s display is, which can go from 60Hz, to as low as 1Hz. You see, the iPad Pro’s have something that’s a bit better. They have 60Hz panels that can go as high as 120Hz and as low as 24Hz. They’re called a ProMotion display and I believe that this is what Apple would be including in the 2020 iPhones, at least on the Pro’s. Many smartphones today have started including 90Hz refresh rate displays, some even 120Hz, which make the entire UI experience 50-100% more fluid than what we currently have now.  IceUniverse, a very well known leaker at this point, reported that Apple is actually considering a switchable 60/120Hz refresh rate screen, for the 2020 iPhones and that they’re currently in discussion with Samsung and LG for this. 

Apple Patents hinting towards a full-screen fingerprint reader (Source: AppleInsider)

Apple Patents hinting towards a full-screen fingerprint reader (Source: AppleInsider)

And speaking of the display, here’s something interesting. Economic Daily News Taiwan, who do have a good track record, reported that Apple will be holding meetings with Qualcomm to discuss adding an in-display fingerprint reader to at least one of their iPhones. The reason this is interesting is because when we look back at Apple’s patents they show an iPhone using full screen TouchID, which is something that we do not currently have. Now Qualcomm has recently shown us their new generation of In-Display fingerprint reader, which is 17 times larger than the one on the Galaxy S10 and the Note 10. So it’s likely that they’re in talks with Apple, to turn that into possibly a full-screen fingerprint reader.

Then finally a very surprising report from DigiTimes Taiwan which was picked up by MacRumors, claims that Apple is actually considering bundling AirPods inside the box of the 2020 iPhones. Now, I’m a bit skeptical about this report but when the iPhone X came out, I even said in my full review, that for how much it costs, $1000, Apple should definitely bundle AirPods with this phone, but of course that they didn’t and the prices went up even more. With the introduction of the iPhone XS Max and 11 Pro Max and AirPods became even more expensive, with the 2nd gen and the AirPods Pro. So because of that, it seems to me like Apple’s prime motive is again, to make as much profit as possible, so bundling free AirPods inside the box? I just don’t see them doing that.

Now, this DigiTimes report did claim that smartphone vendors, including Samsung and Xiaomi, so not just Apple, are all considering bundling truly wireless headphones in the box of their upcoming phones. And I do see Samsung doing this, I really do. But Apple? I don’t think so. If they do do it, I don’t see them being the first ones on the market to do it. Probably in about two years time but maybe not even then.

iPhone 11 Pro Max Review - The COMPLETE Review!

This is the iPhone 11 Pro Max, definitely not the best name for a phone. Apple should’ve really called this the iPhone Pro, which would then come in two sizes, 5.8” and 6.5”, so that they have the same naming scheme on the iPhone as they do on the iPad and MacBooks. We don’t have a MacBook Pro 5 Max or iPad Pro 3 Max on those so why do we have iPhone 11 Pro Max?

But leaving the bad naming scheme aside, this is by far the best iPhone Apple has ever released, like it should be because it’s the newest one, but actually this one fixes all the major issues that the iPhones have had for years, and I’m pretty impressed!

I’ve been using this as my daily driver since it came out in mid-September, and this is my full in-depth review of the iPhone 11 Pro Max, covering my final thoughts on the Design, Display, Camera, Performance, Special Features, Battery & Value!


A design front on design comparison between the iPhone 11 Pro Max (Left) and XS Max (Right)

A design front on design comparison between the iPhone 11 Pro Max (Left) and XS Max (Right)

Starting off with the Design, from the front, the iPhone 11 Pro Max looks very disappointing. It’s got the exact same design as the iPhone XS Max from 2018, which is the same design as the iPhone X from 2017. That means we still have that massive notch, which does have some high end tech inside for mapping your Face in 3D and unlocking the phone, so there is an actual reason why it is this big.

But when you compare it to the Note 10’s design, the Samsung Galaxy S10’s or especially the OnePlus 7 Pro and the 7T Pro, both of which have no notch and no camera cutout at all, you can probably see where I’m going with this. The iPhone 11 Pro Max just has a very boring look to it, that will in fact change next year luckily, but until then we’re stuck with this two year old design until late 2020. 

However, there are a few things that have changed design wise. The back now has that famous triple lens camera module which I’ll get into more detail in the camera section of this article.  But Apple has also changed the back glass now. It is now a frosted glass rather than the traditional glass back that we had on the XS, which means that it won’t leave any fingerprints, and it’s also much smoother to the touch so your finger glides much easier, whereas before you would have a tiny bit of resistance. So this does make the iPhone 11 Pro Max the best feeling iPhone that I have held in my hands, but at the same time it also makes it the slipperiest.

Luckily, Apple did say that they’ve added the most durable glass in smartphone into this, which is very likely a slightly modified version of Gorilla Glass 6. And there have been quite a few drop tests done by other tech outlets and channels and long story short, it’s still glass so it will break. It’s just that it won’t break as easily as the previous iPhones did. But you see, the way glass works is that if you want it to be more durable to drops, you need to add more plastic into it to make it more flexible, which also decreases the scratch resistance. So I don’t know if you’ve seen my twitter post, which I’ll link here, but I actually managed to get my iPhone 11 Pro Max scratched very heavily, and I ended up having that replaced because of it. 

Now, there are a few more design changes that Apple has made, such as moving the Apple Logo towards the middle now, which I do believe looks better now than ever before. We also have no more iPhone branding on the back, and no regulatory information either, unless you have the European model which still has those unfortunately. But other than that, you get an extremely clean look on the back. Now something that I do like is that the inside of the camera module now matches the colour of the iPhone, unlike the mock-ups that we had, where it was entirely black so I do think that it looks better this way. Something else that I like about this is that Apple has actually made the inside of the camera module glossy, while on the regular iPhone 11, we have the exact opposite, a glossy back and a frosted glass camera module. 

Also the iPhone 11 Pro & Pro Max are still one of the only ones on the market that come with a stainless steel frame. All the other ones come with either an aluminium, magnesium, or polished aluminium frame in the case of the Galaxy Note 10+ for example.

A slight design change with this years models is thickness. At 8.1mm thick, these iPhones are one of the thickest flagships on the market right now. The regular iPhone 11 is a bit thicker at 8.3mm, but aside from that the only iPhone thicker than those is the iPhone 4 from 2010.  Ever since then, Apple kept making their iPhones thinner and thinner to the point where batteries also had to be made thinner, and the battery life ended up being affected. But in the more recent years, Apple has decided to do quite the opposite. Make their iPhones thicker and thicker every single year and also extend the battery life as a result. I’ll talk more about the battery life once we get to the battery section of this article, but when it comes to how the 11 Pro Max feels in the hand, the moment I got it, I could definitely tell that it was bulkier than my XS Max, was which was already bulkier than my X was, and so on. It’s not a fat phone by any means but it does give you that solid feel in the hand when you hold it, because of its thickness and that premium stainless steel frame.

The colours of the iPhone 11 Pro Max

The colours of the iPhone 11 Pro Max

Now, the final design change when it comes to these new iPhones are the colours. We get four colours this year; the regular Space Grey, Silver, Gold, and now we also get a brand new Midnight Green colour. The Space Grey has a very clean and matte black look now which I absolutely love! The silver now has a frosted white look, where the Apple logo is barely visible at all, and if I’m being honest there’s something about the White model that kind of makes me regret going for the Space Grey for my personal one. The Midnight Green one looked good but extremely similar to the Space Grey one, aside from the stainless steel frame which was indeed dark green. The gold one looks ok, but I do think that the previous gold XS looked much better.



Moving on to the Display, we have the same 5.8” and 6.5” sizes as last year with a resolution of 2688x1242 on the 11 Pro Max and 2436x1125 on the 11 Pro, and both at 458PPI.

Apple has this weird thing where they adjust the resolution in order to keep the same PPI number. They do this so that they can keep the app scaling consistent across their devices and to make it easier for developers to optimise their apps.

We still have the True Tone Display from the years before but we no longer have 3D Touch. Apple added 3D touch with the iPhone 6S and it let you have a secondary tap, a right click so to say, when you applied pressure to certain elements of the UI. The problem with 3D touch was that it wasn’t clear which elements supported 3D touch and it also increased the thickness of the device by quite a bit, space which they could’ve been used for stuff like a larger battery. So instead of 3D touch, you now have to hold for longer and then you get a vibration to let you know that it worked. This means that with the new iPhones and iOS13 you have to do a long hold on the apps and then you get the 3D touch options, and then if you hold for longer they will wiggle and then you can move them around. Previously this was pressure based and I honestly prefer it this way. Before, if I just wanted to arrange the apps I had to press soft enough for the icons to jiggle, since if I pressed harder, 3D touch would activate and I had to repeat the process until I got the icons to jiggle. 

A brightness comparison between the iPhone 11 Pro Max (Top) and XS Max (Bottom)

A brightness comparison between the iPhone 11 Pro Max (Top) and XS Max (Bottom)

Now, when it comes to the actual display quality Apple has actually made some improvements. We now have what they’re calling the Super Retina XDR display, again another horrible overly complicated name. Essentially this phone has a Samsung panel and it’s Samsung newest generation of AMOLED displays. Part of the same generation that they’re using in the S10 and the Note 10 from a few months ago. This means that when compared to the XS Max from last year, the display can get up to 1200 nits when playing back HDR content compared to around 1000 nits. When you use it outdoors, it can now go up to 800 nits from 625, so it’s easier to view when outdoors. I also found this display to actually be brighter than the Note 10’s in both outdoor and manual brightness. 

We’ve actually bought a professional display colour calibration tool and here are the results that we got out of the 11 Pro Max’s display. So on a white surface with a maxed out manual brightness, we got 524 nits, while on the exact same image the Note 10+ for comparison got 349 nits.

So while this is overall the best display on any smartphone, I do actually prefer the Note 10’s display, just because of the lack of a notch, and the even more vibrant colours. I wish Apple would allow you to change the colour profiles like Samsung does, since I do personally prefer punchier colours rather than the more natural one that Apple has. But if you’re into editing photos and videos on the go, than the iPhone 11 Pro is perfect for this. With a DCI-P3 coverage and iOS, this is the best platform to post your Instagram photos and stories from.

Aside from the Notch, the only thing that I really dislike about this display is that you cannot watch videos on YouTube higher than 1080p. Even though we have a close to 3K display on this. This is because Apple doesn’t support Google’s VPN codec, and Google doesn’t support h.265 which Apple does. This is a current issue with all of Apple’s products. iPads cannot play 4K YouTube videos, not even the 4K Apple TV can which is quite ironic! The only way to watch 4K YouTube videos on an Apple product is to use a Mac and download Chrome.

So because of this whilst the iPhone 11 Pro’s display is the best display for editing photo and videos, scrolling through your social media feed, and just reading content, it is not the best display for watching content on YouTube, because of the notch and the resolution limit on videos to just 1080p. 



Now remember when I said that the iPhone 11 Pro fixes all the major issues that the previous iPhone’s had? Well, I was actually referring to two major issues, and the first one was the camera.

You see, back in the days of the iPhone 5S and the iPhone 6, the iPhone had the best camera in a smartphone! But then, with the more recent releases, the camera quality started falling behind the competition. Manufacturers like Huawei included a 10x optical zoom camera, Samsung added a wide angle lens, and Google added a night mode which Apple was still missing. Samsung even had 4K video recording on the front, a wider angle module, and QHD recording on the front ever since the Galaxy S6 which launched in 2015. Apple was still lacking all of these on the iPhone XS Max from 2018 which was quite ridiculous at that point. 

But luckily, Apple has now fixed all of their camera issues, and ironically the iPhone 11 Pro & Pro Max now have the best camera on any smartphone at the moment!

So, what changed?

A sample of the wide front facing camera, the iPhone 11 Pro Max on the Left and the Pixel 4XL on the right

A sample of the wide front facing camera, the iPhone 11 Pro Max on the Left and the Pixel 4XL on the right

Well, the front camera did get a resolution bump to 12MP from the 7PM that we have had since the iPhone 7. But instead of Apple just giving you all that resolution, the selfies are still 7MP in resolution, but you can now zoom out and use the entire resolution of the sensor to capture more in the scene. So with this technique we actually get a wide angle front facing camera, which now happens to be the widest one on any smartphone of 2019, just on par with the Pixel 4. 

Then, we also get significantly improved video on the front. Before the iPhone 11’s we only had 1080p 60fps max, but now we can record in up to 4K 60 on the front! Which is just nuts! No other smartphone can do this! Apple went from behind in last place to literally being first just like that! And I’m really impressed with the quality of the front facing camera on the 11 Pro! Colours are natural, the image is still very sharp and the exposure and dynamic range is just incredible! 

My only complaint regarding the front camera is that we don’t have a Night Mode like we do have on the Pixel. So light low shots with the front camera aren’t great but daytime ones are very very good.

Astrophotography on the iPhone 11 Pro Max (Top Left), the Note 10+ (Top Right), the OnePlus 7T Pro (Bottom Left) and Pixel 4 XL (Bottom Right)

Astrophotography on the iPhone 11 Pro Max (Top Left), the Note 10+ (Top Right), the OnePlus 7T Pro (Bottom Left) and Pixel 4 XL (Bottom Right)

Speaking of Night Mode, whilst we don’t have it on the front, we do have it on the back! And unlike the one on the Google Pixel which can be enabled manually, the iPhone one is automatic. This means that once you’re in a low light scenario, the night mode indicator will appear and then from there you can adjust the duration of the exposure. I found Night Mode to actually work very well, even better than on the Pixel 4 in a lot of cases. The only case where it wasn’t as good was in tripod mode, which is Apple’s automatic long exposure mode which activates when it detects that it’s on a tripod. It was still better than on the OnePlus 7T Pro and the Samsung Galaxy Note 10+, but the Astrophotography mode on the Pixel 4 is just on another level. But aside from that, Night Mode on the 11 Pro is extremely good! Also, it works with both the main and telephoto lens. It doesn’t work with the wide-angle lens unfortunately, for that you’d have to use a 3rd party app such as NeuralCam. 

Now in terms of day to day shots, because we now have that third wide angle module, which Apple is calling an ultra-wide, but in my eyes that’s wide. We can take some very wide angle shots now. We can even take wide angle panoramas, and portrait with both the telephoto and regular modules now. 

So with these three cameras, we can take a zoomed in shot, a regular shot, and then also a wide angle shot. We can capture so much more in the scene and by having this wide angle module and I have the perfect combo of lenses right in my pocket. Now Apple were not the first to have three lenses on a phone, they were one of the latest ones to the party, but at least we finally have a wide angle on the iPhone as well now. And what I really like about Apple’s implementation is that all modules are very similar. They’re all 12MP sensors, different sensor sizes unfortunately, but they can all record 4K 60 video which is something that no other smartphone can do with the wide angle lens. In addition, they all try to match the colour and exposure between them so that you can have a consistent shot when switching through the lenses.

There will be a big new feature coming in iOS 13.2 called Deep Fusion, which will take multiple photos at different exposure levels even before you tapped the shutter button and then merge them, for an even sharper image. What this will do is noticeably improve low light shots that are taken when night mode isn’t yet available. So indoor dimly lit photos would get the biggest bump here. 

Here are a few samples of Deep Fusion from twitter user Tyler Stalman (@stalman)

So overall, the camera is a very big improvement from the XS from last year, but the thing is aside from the wide angle lens which is a hardware feature, things such as Deep Fusion and Night Mode can, in theory, be enabled on older iPhones easily, but for whatever reason Apple won’t enable them. It’s likely that they are doing this so that people just buy the iPhone 11’s instead.

Now, if you do want to learn more about the camera do watch our ultimate camera comparison at the link here, where we compared the iPhone 11 Pro Max against the Note 10+, the Pixel 4 XL and the OnePlus 7T Pro. There are 30 Individual Test Categories, most of them with multiple samples, so you can get a very good idea of how good these cameras really are! But like I said, overall the iPhone 11 Pro Max does have the best camera in any smartphone thanks to its industry leading video capabilities and very good HDR and Night Mode processing as well.



When it comes to the iPhone 11 Pro Max’ performance I have mixed feelings. It comes with Apple’s newest A13 processor which is still around one to two years ahead in terms of raw performance, when compared to the competition. Long story shot this means that your low light photos will get processed much faster than on something like a Pixel 4. High frame rates such as 4K 120fps are indeed something that this chip can handle in real time, which is just insane! 4K 120? Yes, the iPhone 11’s all record in 4K 120fps and then the final 4K 60fps output is actually a processed HDR video with wide dynamic range.

Benchmark scores for the iPhone 11 Pro Max and the 2019 15” MacBook Pro

Benchmark scores for the iPhone 11 Pro Max and the 2019 15” MacBook Pro

So the RAW performance is definitely there but unfortunately it is not being used as much as I wanted. Yes, you can edit 4K videos on your iPhone and export them noticeably faster than any other smartphone out there but I kind of want more. I would love it if Apple had something similar to Samsung’s DeX, where you connect your smartphone to a monitor and it loads up a desktop UI on the monitor. If you then added a mouse and keyboard, you’re pretty much turning your smartphone into a full desktop PC. The iPhone definitely has the power to do that as single core wise it is actually more powerful than a top of the line 15” 2019 8-core i9 MacBook Pro, which is just unbelievable on a smartphone! 

So Apple’s definitely in the lead when it comes to smartphone processors, it’s just that I would prefer to see them used more. Hopefully that changes in the future.

Speaking of change, we unfortunately did not get any RAM upgrades. We still have 4GB of RAM on both the 11 Pro and the 11 Pro Max which is at least two times less, if not even three times less than what other manufacturers use. The Note 10+ for example comes with 12GB of RAM. Now, iOS is more efficient than Android when it comes to system resources so less RAM may not seem a big issue, but I’ve actually had some pretty bad experience with RAM management on my 11 Pro Max, where YouTube for example would not be kept in the background most of the time. I’ve had this issue with multiple apps, hopefully this will get better with future software updates, but the issue here is Apple sticking to 4GB of RAM in 2019 where even low to mid range phones today have 6GB of RAM or even 8GB.



When it comes to the special features, there’s not a lot of new features in this iPhone.

We do get an improved water resistance, up to 4M up to 30 minutes, which is the highest level of water resistance on any phone. Aside from this, we do have WiFi 6 or WiFI 802.11 ax support which is the next generation of WiFi. It not only supports top speeds of up to 9.6Gb/s from around 7Gb/s of WiFi 5, but it will also eliminate network congestion almost entirely, as long as you have a WiFI 6 enabled router and multiple WiFI 6 devices as well. So this is more of like a future-proofing feature.

Now, something that I was not expecting to see with the iPhone 11 Pro’s was improved speakers. Not only are they louder now but they also support something called Spatial Audio, as well as Dolby Atmos. Essentially whenever you’re watching movies that support Dolby Atmos, which are mostly the ones from iTunes and AppleTV, you would get this virtual 3D sound effect. It does work nicely, but don’t expect anything like a theatre quality experience, since this is still a smartphone speaker. I do like the fact that they’re louder now, since I always listen to podcasts while taking a shower, and I actually need a very powerful speaker in that case. So I could easily tell that my 11 Pro Max was louder than my XS Max. The regular 11 Pro is not as loud as the 11 Pro Max is, but it’s still very good for a smartphone.

There’s also a brand new U1 chip that improves AirDrop file sharing and precisely locating the iPhone. But aside from this we don’t really get anything new. 

At the moment only Huawei and Samsung have phones that support reverse wireless charging

At the moment only Huawei and Samsung have phones that support reverse wireless charging

We have the same haptic engine as before, the same USB 2.0 lightning port, which is pretty bad in the first place. By not having USB C transferring files via an SD card from your camera is horribly slow, on what’s supposed to be a Pro phone. 

There’s still no always on display and still no reverse wireless charging like it was rumoured and leaked to come with, so this means that if you have the new second generation AirPods with the wireless charging case, you’ll need a Samsung phone ironically to charge the AirPods from the back of the phone, as you cannot do that with an iPhone yet. 

There’s also no 90Hz refresh rate display, and nothing else that really makes the 11 Pro stand out feature wise over the competition. 



The second issue that was fixed with the 11 Pro was the battery life, and I can’t believe I’m saying this, but the iPhone 11 Pro Max has the best battery life in any smartphone that I’ve used!

This thing can finally last me for an entire day of use easily and even 2 days. Last weekend I was out pretty much all day and using my iPhone constantly to take photos and at the end of the day I still had 40% battery life, so this thing it just insane! 

This is thanks to the larger 3969mAh battery up from the 3174mAh one that the XS Max, which was made possible thanks to the removal of 3D touch, the thicker body, and thanks to the Apple A13 chip which is also much more power efficient with up to 40% less power consumption for the GPU.

We also get a fast charger inside the box at last! This is an 18W Charger compared to the 5W one that we got before, which can now charge your iPhone to 50% in just 30 minutes!

So I’m very glad and quite surprised to have an iPhone that lasts longer than the Note 10+ or any other android phone on the market, since the iPhone has always been a meme because of its poor battery life.  Also, pro tip, if you do use dark mode on iOS 13, battery life would be noticeably better. Phonebuff did an amazing video on that, which I’ll leave linked here.



Ok, so in the end what are my thoughts on the iPhone 11 Pro Max? Is it worth it’s huge £1,150 starting price tag?

Well, aside from its name which is straight up stupid and it makes no sense because, let’s be honest, this is not a Pro phone. The camera is very good but it’s not a pro camera, otherwise we would have custom luts, first party mounts, and at least the ability to change the resolution and frame-rate from the camera app. But the camera is noticeably better than last year and the battery life is the best one there has been on any iPhone and any phone for that matter! 

In addition there’s no 90Hz refresh rate display like other ”Pro” phones have, and there’s no USB 3.0 or especially USB C on this.

However, if you do want those 2 features, the regular iPhone 11 has pretty much everything that the Pro and Pro Max do, aside from an OLED display and a zoom camera. And that’s honestly worth it so much more!

Check out the review of it here!

Pixel 4XL vs iPhone 11 Pro Max vs Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ vs OnePlus 7T Pro - Blind Camera Comparison!

The Google Pixel 3 had some of the best camera abilities on a smartphone at the time of its release. Now the Google Pixel 4 has an additional lens on the back and one less on the front.

We compared it to the most recent releases from Apple, Samsung, and OnePlus to see how it would compare. You can check out our full blind camera comparison above, but here are a few of the shots from the test. Let us know which ones you prefer and why in the comments!

Also, the order of the phones in this article are not the order of the phones in the blind comparison.


OnePlus 7T Pro

OnePlus 7T Pro

Samsung Galaxy Note 10+

Samsung Galaxy Note 10+

Pixel 4XL

Pixel 4XL

iPhone 11 Pro Max

iPhone 11 Pro Max



OnePlus 7T Pro

OnePlus 7T Pro

Samsung Galaxy Note 10+

Samsung Galaxy Note 10+

Pixel 4XL

Pixel 4XL

iPhone 11 Pro Max

iPhone 11 Pro Max

REAR CAMERA - HDR (High Dynamic Range)

OnePlus 7T Pro

OnePlus 7T Pro

Samsung Galaxy Note 10+

Samsung Galaxy Note 10+

Pixel 4XL

Pixel 4XL

iPhone 11 Pro Max

iPhone 11 Pro Max



OnePlus 7T Pro

OnePlus 7T Pro

Samsung Galaxy Note 10+

Samsung Galaxy Note 10+

Pixel 4XL

Pixel 4XL

iPhone 11 Pro Max

iPhone 11 Pro Max


OnePlus 7T Pro

OnePlus 7T Pro

Samsung Galaxy Note 10+

Samsung Galaxy Note 10+

Pixel 4XL

Pixel 4XL

iPhone 11 Pro Max

iPhone 11 Pro Max



OnePlus 7T Pro

OnePlus 7T Pro

Samsung Galaxy Note 10+

Samsung Galaxy Note 10+

Pixel 4XL

Pixel 4XL

iPhone 11 Pro Max

iPhone 11 Pro Max


So which one did you like overall? Don’t forget to watch the full camera comparison to make your full decision, as there are 30 different tests for each camera!

iPhone 11 (2019) - FULL Review!

Apple used to release just a single new iPhone every year. But then in 2014 everything changed when Apple released two, rather than just one. We had the iPhone 6 and the much larger iPhone 6 Plus, for those that wanted a larger display size. From there on that’s what the lineup looked like, until 2018 when Apple added a third model, an iPhone “Lite”. This was a lower end iPhone for those that still wanted the latest specs and camera but don’t want to spend a ton on a new phone. That was the iPhone XR from 2018 which launched alongside the iPhone XS and the XS Max. 

This year Apple has done the same thing, they’ve released the iPhone 11 Pro and the 11 Pro Max which are the successors to the XS and XS Max from last year, and the iPhone 11 which is the successor to the iPhone XR from last year. As it turns out this is actually a very good iPhone and this is my full review with my final thoughts on Apple’s lowest end iPhone for 2019 which just like the Nintedo Switch Lite, ended up being better than the more expensive models. 

This article contains 7 different sections with my full thoughts on the Design, Display, Camera, Performance, Special Features, Battery Life & Value, so get all those snacks and drinks ready and enjoy!


Despite being the more recent model, the 11 (Right) has thicker bezels than the X (Left)

Despite being the more recent model, the 11 (Right) has thicker bezels than the X (Left)

Lets start off with the design the iPhone 11 which is a bit of a mix between the iPhone 8 and the iPhone X. What I mean by this is that it has the aluminium frame of the iPhone 8 rather than the stainless steel frame that the iPhone X and the Pro’s have, so it feels a bit less premium, but you still have that iPhone 8, 7, 6 feel in your hand. You also have the iPhone X style design on the front with the notch, however the bezels are thicker than on the iPhone X, and interesting enough the side bezels are actually thicker than on the iPhone 8. This is why this phone is a mix between the old iPhone 8 style design and the new iPhone X style design, and I have to be honest, I’m not a huge fan of this design.

The iPhone 11 Pro’s already look outdated as they are still using the exact same design from 2017 with the X so all look identical from the front, and the regular iPhone 11 looks just as outdated. This looks to me like an early 2017 design, considering that the iPhone X came out in late 2017 and already had a more modern design, when compared to the 11. Which is such a shame seeing as competitor devices like the Galaxy S10, the Note 10, the OnePlus 7 Pro and 7T Pro and many other smartphones already look so much more futuristic than the iPhones do. Just because of the lack of a notch and the full screen displays. 

Measuring 8.3mm in thickness, this is the thickest iPhone since the 4S (Left)

Measuring 8.3mm in thickness, this is the thickest iPhone since the 4S (Left)

Also the iPhone 11 is quite thick. At 8.3mm this is the thickest iPhone that Apple has released since the iPhone 4S in 2011, 8 years ago. Taking a look at the bottom of the phone, you’ll not only find a lightning port but you might also notice that the lightning port is not aligned perfectly with the screws and the speaker grill, like they are on the Pro’s for example.

Apple used to be the company that payed a lot of attention to detail, but unfortunately that hasn’t been the case for quite a few years now. 

The back however, does look better than I expected. On the mock-ups that we had it just look horrendous, but seeing it in person, on the final unit I think it looks pretty decent. I definitely prefer having the Apple logo in the middle, just like on the iPads and the MacBooks, and the camera module doesn’t look that bad either.

I do like how the inside of the camera module has the same colour as the back of the phone does, rather than being full black like it was on the mock-ups, and the glass inside the module is matte, whereas the glass on the rest of the back is glossy. Fun Fact, the iPhone 11 Pro has these reversed with a matte glass back and a glossy camera module.

But overall I’m not a big fan of this design. It’s the same one as the iPhone XR from 2018 which already had an outdated design compared to the iPhone X from 2017 and the colours are just not as vibrant as last year.



Moving on to the Display, this is a bit of an odd one, since Apple gave the low end iPhone a medium sized display, rather than giving it the smallest display. We have a 6.1” display on the 11 compared to the 5.8” on the 11 Pro, and 6.5” on the 11 Pro.

To be fair it actually does make sense for it to be this way. People who want the smallest iPhone possible, still get all the features from the Pro, while people who want a cheaper iPhone still get a fairly big display, and at 6.1” this is a very good size display. It’s small enough for me to almost use it in one hand and large enough to comfortably view your content. When you compare it side by side to the 11 Pro Max, you can tell that the 11 isn’t that much shorter than the Pro Max is but it’s definitely not as wide, meaning that it’s much more comfortable to hold.

The LCD Panel on the iPhone 11 compared to the OLED panel on the Samsung Galaxy S10

The LCD Panel on the iPhone 11 compared to the OLED panel on the Samsung Galaxy S10

Now, the display on the 11 is actually the main downgrade that you’re getting from the Pro. With the 11 we get an LCD display compared to the OLED displays that we get on the Pro’s. LCD is what Apple was using before the iPhone X. In LCD displays the pixels only provide the colour and not the light source. So you need a separate back light to light the pixels up. This means that when you are displaying a scene with black in it, the back light will still be on for the other pixels and the black would have this blue-ish grey-ish look. With OLED displays, there is no back light because the pixels are the light source themselves. This means that when you’re displaying black, the pixels are actually turned off entirely for that section, and therefore you get true blacks.

Also, if you’re using Dark Mode on iOS 13 the battery life would be improved by having an OLED panel, again because the display will be turned off for the sections where black is displayed. Aside from this, thanks to the OLED display, the Pro’s have a much better contrast of 2 million to 1, vs 1400:1 on the 11. 

Colours look more vibrant as well, with the display being brighter on the Pro, up to 1200 nits in HDR content compared to 625 nits, and yes the 11 Pro’s can actually display HDR 10 content natively. The viewing angles are also better on the Pro’s thanks to that OLED display, and the resolution is also higher as well.

We have 326PPI or pixel density on the iPhone 11 compared to 458 on the 11 Pro Max. Compare that to the 550 PPI that the Samsung Galaxy S10 has, and yes there is a pretty big difference especially with the 11.

Now realistically you would not be able to tell the difference unless you look at the phones very closely. However if you watch a lot of YouTube content, then I have some bad news for you. The iPhone 11 only has a 1792 x 828 resolution display, which is actually lower than 1080p. Which means that you would not be able to play 1080p videos on YouTube. Yes, the YouTube player does let you select 1080p but that doesn’t really mean anything since the display itself is sub 1080p. Also on iOS you cannot play any YouTube videos higher than 1080p anyways, even if you have an iPhone 11 Pro Max for example. 

But comparing the Video Quality on YouTube on the 11 to the 11 Pro, you cannot really that much of a difference between the two. However, when you compare this to the regular Galaxy S10 which actually costs less than the iPhone 11 now, there is a gigantic difference between the two displays in every single way. 

So I’m not saying that this is a bad display, it’s just that it’s nowhere near as good as the iPhone Pros, or pretty much any of the android competition at this price point.



So so far it doesn’t look good for the iPhone 11. It comes with an outdated design and a fairly downgraded display for its price, but the good news is that that is where all the downsides end, because everything else is very good on this phone.

The camera for example is mostly the exact same one that we get on the iPhone 11 Pro’s, which is overall the best smartphone camera on the market right now.

An example Night Mode photo from the 11

An example Night Mode photo from the 11

We have full 4K 60 video recording with the front camera, which no other smartphone can do at the moment. We have a wider field of view on the front as well, so whenever you’re taking photos you can zoom out to get more into the shot which you couldn’t do before.

HDR photography has been improved and so has night shots have been improved dramatically, with a dedicated night mode that kicks in automatically.

So this is a gigantic improvement from the XS.

We also have that ultra-wide angle module which lets you capture so much more in the scene. You can even record 4K 60 video with that module, which again no other smartphone can do at the moment.

You can smoothly transition between all 3 lenses, so this is overall the best smartphone camera on the market right now.

The Note 10 also has a very good camera, even a bit better in terms of the wide angle photography but video is much better on the iPhone, and I’m very glad that the 11 got mostly the same camera as the Pro’s did. I say mostly because it is lacking the zoom or the telephoto module which is not really a big downgrade since you can always zoom in digitally, it’s just that the zoomed in photos won’t be as sharp. 



Performance wise this is a champion as well. No really, it has the exact same Apple A13 processor that the iPhone 11 Pro’s get, which is still the fastest processor in any smartphone, and is at least an entire year ahead of the competition, if not even more than that.

In addition we now have 4GB of RAM up from 3GB, matching the amount of RAM we have on the iPhone 11 Pro’s.

In fact, because of that lower resolution display, the performance on this iPhone will actually be even better than on the Pros! And performance has been very good on my 11 Pro Max, for example the only issue that I’ve had and I still have this every now and then is RAM management. Sometimes apps keep refreshing in the background which is quite frustrating. I don’t have this issue at all on my Note 10+, but that also has 12GB of RAM compared to 4.

Make sure to watch our ultimate speed test of the iPhone 11 Pro Max versus the Note 10+, as the iPhone 11 will perform very similar to the iPhone 11 Pro Max. 



Moving on to the special features, we do actually get quite a few new ones.

Despite being the strongest glass on an iPhone, they are still susceptible to scratches

Despite being the strongest glass on an iPhone, they are still susceptible to scratches

For example, we get what Apple’s calling the strongest glass in a smartphone, which is what they have been saying for a few years now. We get this on both the Pro’s and the 11.  I already have scratches on mine and I actually ended up having my 11 Pro Max replaced because of this, but that’s actually how glass works. If you want to make a glass durable to drops you have to also make it flexible, and if you make it flexible it means that you add plastic which will make it scratch easier.

So yes, while the glass on the iPhone 11’s is way more durable to drops than older iPhones, they will still scratch. So do keep that in mind, I would consider buying a screen-protector if you haven’t already.

The water resistance has been improved on the iPhone 11’s

The water resistance has been improved on the iPhone 11’s

Aside from the improved glass, water resistance has also been improved on the 11. We now have up to 2m of depth up to 30min, from 1m for 30min which was what we had on the XR. This means that the iPhone 11 is now as water resistant as the iPhone XS was, and even more water resistant that the 8 and the X. The 11 Pro’s now have up to 4m of depth resistance, but personally I’ve submerged all of the iPhones from the 7 to the 11 Pro in swimming pools and even sea water and they were all fine. Do keep in mind that water damage is not covered under warranty. 

As well as those we also get the improved speakers that we got with the iPhone 11 Pro’s. So we get special audio playback and Dolby atmos support as well. 

But something that we do not get is a fast charger. Apple finally bundled one in the box of the iPhone 11 Pro’s but the 11 still gets that very slow 5W charger which is so annoying.



Speaking of chargers, let’s talk about the battery life.

So last year, ironically the iPhone XR had a better battery life than the XS & XS Max had, even though those actually had an OLED display, which was also more power efficient. The effect of this was that many people actually picked the iPhone XR over the XS’s, just because they wanted more battery life.

Well this year, things have changes.

Apple has now removed 3D touch from the iPhone 11 Pro’s and increased the battery size. Alongside the more power efficient Apple A13 chip, we get four more hours of battery life on the 11 Pro compared to the XS, and five more hours on the 11 Pro Max compared to the XS Max when playing back video. So that’s a massive improvement. But the iPhone 11 also get an improvement of one extra hour, over the XR from last year.

So while it’s not as good as the 11 Pro or Pro Max, it’s actually even better than the XR from last year which was already known to have the best battery life in any iPhone yet.



So in the end. What are my final thoughts on the iPhone 11? 

Well, this lower end iPhone has the exact camera, aside from the zoom module, and the exact same performance that the much more expensive iPhone 11 Pro’s do. Those are the two things that are what most people care about the most in a phone; speed and camera.

So if you can look past the outdated design and lower end display I can assure you that you’ll absolutely love this phone! And at $700, $300 less than the iPhone 11 Pro and $400 less than the Pro Max, this is in my opinion the iPhone that’s worth it the most in 2019.

But is it the smartphone that’s worth it the most in 2019?

Well no, that would be the regular Galaxy S10, which offers a much better display, a more modern design than even the iPhone 11 Pro’s, and a triple lens camera module that is on par with the iPhone 11 Pro Max.

But if you’re an iPhone user this is the one that I would recommend to most people, and then you’ll have $300-$400 left to spend on AirPods or an Apple Watch.

iPhone 11 Unboxing - This is the iPhone to get!

In yesterday’s article, I took a first look at the iPhone 11 Pro & the Pro Max so if you haven’t read it, you should certainly check it out! 

But in this article I’ll be unboxing and taking a first look at the regular iPhone 11 and telling you why I think that this is the iPhone to get, for most people!


Ok, so first off the iPhone 11 comes in 6 colors. We have the standard White & Black. We have Green, Purple, Red, as well as Yellow. Last year we had the blue XR and this year we got the yellow one as I think that’s the 2nd best color after Red. 

Like previous models, the iPhone 11 comes in a white box, with an image of the phone on the front

Like previous models, the iPhone 11 comes in a white box, with an image of the phone on the front

And taking a look at the box, the iPhone 11 comes in the same white box that we have seen in previous years. On the front we have a picture of the actual iPhone that you’ll find inside, the yellow one in this case. Some of the elements of the box are actually raised or indented, for example the camera modules are raised, the aluminium frame and so on. It’s a really nice touch!

Then on the sides we have the iPhone logo, there’s no number or anything on this at all, and it does shine in the color of iPhone that you bought, so yellow in this case. Another thing that shines is the Apple logo on the top and bottom of the box which also has that yellow glow to it. Finally on the back of the box, we have the capacity, along with a list of what is included inside.

Now, I do find it quite odd how the iPhone 11 box is noticeably thicker than the 11 Pro’s box, even though we get the exact same accessories inside. So we get the standard booklet, which includes the quick start guide, the sim eject tool, the warranty and the safety guide as well as a pair of Apple stickers. It would’ve been so nice if the stickers actually matched the color of iPhone, like it does on the 12” MacBook but we only have white stickers, just like we have on the iPhone 11 Pro’s. Aside from this, we get a pair of lightning headphones, a USB type A to lightning cable. With the Pro’s we do get a USB type C to lightning cable but both iPhone still have a lightning port. Finally we get the same 5W charger that we have seen in previous years, but the regular iPhone 11 does support fast charging, so you’ll have to buy a fast charger separately, like the 18W one that comes as standard with the Pro’s.


The new design of the iPhone 11 appears to be a blend of the X and the 6

The new design of the iPhone 11 appears to be a blend of the X and the 6

First off I’ve got to be honest, I’m not really a fan of this design. It’s basically a merge between the iPhone 6’s design from 2014, that the iPhone 6S, 7 and 8 all had, and the brand new iPhone X’s design. The bezels are still as big as on the XR which looks pretty bad on a 2019 phone, especially if you add a case to this.

Now if you thought that the iPhone  11 Pro’s were thick, coming in at 0.5mm thicker than the XS from last year, well the 11 is even thicker than the Pro’s, measuring in at 8.3mm, so it does feel very bulky in the hand.

The colours and the brightness on the Pro’s (Left) are significantly better than on the 11 (Right)

The colours and the brightness on the Pro’s (Left) are significantly better than on the 11 (Right)

The display on this is still an LCD display which again is very odd to see on a phone that still costs $700 or £730, so it’s not a cheap device by any means. So comparing the display to the 11 Pro’s display there is a noticeable difference between the two. The 11 Pros’ display has significantly better contrast, and colors just pop instantly. Everything is also sharper since we have a QHD+ display compared to not even a 1080p panel on the regular iPhone 11. It’s not necessarily a bad display but on a $700 phone this should’ve been OLED. I’m sorry Apple but the Pixel 3a which costs $400 comes with a much higher resolution display, that’s also an OLED panel. 

But those are pretty much all the negatives I have to say about this phone. The outdated design and the display.

Aside from that, it’s actually very very good.

It’s got the same A13 Chip processor as the iPhone 11 Pro’s. We also have 4GB of RAM on this, again, just like on the Pro’s. 4GB has now been officially confirmed on the Pro’s, unfortunately it’s not 6 or 4+2 where 2GB would be dedicated to the camera. So I find it so interesting how Apple promotes the performance on the Pro’s so much when the regular 11 has exactly the same level of performance, which is great! You get the same performance on the entry level iPhone 11 as you do with the much more expensive iPhone 11 Pro’s.

It also comes with fast charging support,even though we don’t have that fast charger included the the box, as I mentioned earlier.

As well as all those we get new and improved speakers, with special audio and dolby vision support, just like the iPhone 11 Pro’s do.  Now, when comparing the 11 and the Pro’s sound quality. They’re actually very very similar. The Pro Max is definitely the best one but between the smaller Pro and the 11, I couldn’t really tell the difference.

Haptic touch is also the same one as on the 11 Pro’s, now that 3D touch got removed from the Pro’s and not only that, but the regular iPhone 11 also come with WiFi 6, just like the iPhone Pro’s.



When it comes to the camera system, we now get a dual camera module, one more than the single module that we had on the XR.

The 11 (Right) is missing the Zoom Module that we get on the Pro’s (Right)

The 11 (Right) is missing the Zoom Module that we get on the Pro’s (Right)

Now, on the Pro’s we have triple lens camera module, up from the dual one that we had on the XS’s. So we have the regular module, which Apple’s calling the wide, we have the zoom module and we have the wide angle module, which Apple’s calling the ultra wide.

On the 11 we’re missing the zoom module. Now, we did have a lot of leaks in the past, that suggested the 11 would be missing the wide-angle and getting the zoom instead. However, the way we have it now is just perfect. Zoom can always be simulated through software and digital zoom, but a wide angle shot is impossible to simulate through software, unless you take a panorama but even that won’t be as zoomed out as a wide angle shot would be.

So for the most part we get the exact same camera we have on the iPhone 11 Pro’s, we have the exact same regular module and the exact same wide angle camera.

In addition, most of the camera features are also there as well, such as the Night Mode, the ability to take portrait mode shots on pets and objects, so not just people. 

We have the same brighter True Tone flash as well as the exact same improved SmartHDR processing that the 11 Pro got over the XS, thanks to that Apple A13 processor.

The front facing camera is very impressive as well. We now have a 12MP sensor, up from the 7MP one that we had before. This not only means that we can now shoot 4K video at 60fps, which is a first not just in an iPhone but in any smartphone on the front camera. But not only does the front facing video just looks stunning, but it’s also wider when compared to the XS and yes, we have the exact same front camera here, as on the 11 Pro.

Turning the phone landscape whilst in the Selfie camera will trigger wide selfie

Turning the phone landscape whilst in the Selfie camera will trigger wide selfie

Something else that’s cool is when you rotate your phone in landscape, it switches to the full resolution of the sensor, and lets you take some even wider shots, thanks to that extra 5MP resolution.

Now normally your selfies would be 7MP in resolution so they will be automatically cropped from that 12MP resolution that the front camera has. However you don’t get any image distortion, like you get on something like Pixel 3XL that does have a wide angle lens on the front. 

So really, the only feature that you’re missing on the 11, camera wise, is the lack of that zoom module. But you can still zoom in digitally, your shots won’t be as good of course. Apart from they’re the exact same cameras as on the Pro’s.


So both the Pro and the Regular 11 are pretty similar, but one big difference is the price. The 11 costs $700, while the 11 Pro costs $1000, a significant $300 difference between the two, with which you could buy an Apple Watch Series 4, or the Series 3 which now costs $200, or even save towards a Series 5 which costs $400.

But in that case, why does the Pro even exist, and what extras does it offer over the regular 11?

Well, just 4 things really.

A comparison between the frames of the 11 (Left) and the Pro (Right)

A comparison between the frames of the 11 (Left) and the Pro (Right)

The 1st one is a more premium design. We still get the glass on the front and back which Apple is still calling the toughest glass in a smartphone. The only difference here is that with the 11 Pro’s we get a matte glass back and a glossy camera cutout, whereas on the 11 we get a glossy glass back and a matte camera cutout - so quite the opposite here. Also the frame of the phone is made out of aluminum on the 11 compared to stainless steel on the 11 Pro’s.

The 2nd improvement that you’re getting with the 11 Pro’s is that display that I mentioned before which is in my opinion the biggest improvement. High resolution, brighter 800 nit vs 625 nit panel when outdoors, better color reproduction, better HDR content playback and of course OLED versus LCD.  But the 11’s display still supports DCI-P3 color gamut, just like the MacBook Pro’s do, so it’s still a very good display for an LCD panel.

Unfortunately YouTube still doesn’t allow you to view videos in higher than 1080p on Apple devices, due to Apple’s lack of support for Google’s VP9 codec, which means that you’re not really missing out on as much as you would think. 

The 3rd reason to get the 11 Pro would be for that zoom or telephoto lens which, personally, I don’t think is a strong enough reason to upgrade.

Finally, the 4th reason is the battery life. The iPhone XR already had an amazing battery life last year. In fact, it even lasted more than the more expensive iPhone XS & XS Max did. In fact lot of people, even other tech reviewers that I know, chose the iPhone XR over the XS Max, just because of that improved battery life.

But this year the iPhone 11 offers 1 hour more than the XR did last year, so it’s even better. However, the 11 Pro gives you 1 extra hour over the 11 does when playing back video, and the 11 Pro Max offers you 2 extra hours over the regular 11 , again when playing back video. So if you need the best possible battery life that would now be the 11 Pro Max. 

A breakdown of the battery lives of each of the new iPhones

A breakdown of the battery lives of each of the new iPhones

Now there are a few more differences between the two, like the improved water resistance up to 4M compared 2M on the iPhone 11 Pro’s, or up to 512GB of storage on the Pros, but these 4 categories; design, display, zoom camera and battery are the biggest ones.



So whilst the Pro does have a few benefits over the Regular, I’m not sure if it’s enough. If you just need a new iPhone and you don’t want to spend $1000 on a new phone the regular iPhone 11 does the majority of the things that the Pro does.

But if you are looking for a new phone and you’re open minded about Android, there are many other options that are even better than the 11 is, like the Galaxy S10e or the S10, which now costs even less than the 11 does and offers you a triple lens camera module that’s very similar in quality, a much better OLED display with no notch and an in-display fingerprint reader. I think that’s the best deal for a smartphone today. Of course you also have phones such as the OnePlus 7 Pro which for the same price offer you an even better display with a 90Hz refresh rate, no bloatware, and a full-screen display with no notches or cutouts at all.

But if you’re looking for just a new iPhone the iPhone 11 is certainly the most worth it over its counterparts!

iPhone 11 Pro Max VS Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus - Which One to Get?

Apple has just unveiled the new iPhone 11’s this week. And we got 3 of them. The iPhone 11 is the successor to the iPhone XR. The iPhone 11 Pro is the successor to the iPhone XS, and the iPhone 11 Pro Max is the successor to the iPhone XS Max.

So let’s see how the iPhone 11 Pro Max compares to Samsung’s own flagship, the Galaxy Note 10+ and see which one is actually worth getting.

This article is split into 7 different sections: Design, Display, Camera, Performance, Special Features, Battery & Price, so get those snacks ready and heres everything you need to know!


Ok, so starting off with the design these 2 phones are very different. 

The Note 10+ is noticeably taller and also wider than the iPhone 11 Pro is, and while they’re both pretty much impossible to use in one hand, just because of how massive they are, the Note 10+ is even more difficult to handle.

The Note 10+ (Left) is only 0.2mm thinner than the iPhone 11 Pro Max, but its curved design makes it feel even thinner.

The Note 10+ (Left) is only 0.2mm thinner than the iPhone 11 Pro Max, but its curved design makes it feel even thinner.

However, the Note 10+ is quite a bit thinner than the iPhone is, measuring 7.9m m vs 8.1mm, which is noticeable in the hand mostly because of the curved front and back that the Note has, as opposed to the flat design on the iPhone.

The iPhone does have some more premium materials so to say, with a full stainless steel frame, as opposed to polished aluminium. We also get what Apple’s calling the world’s most durable glass in a smartphone on the front and back, and we also get a matte glass back rather than the glossy glass that we get on the Note.

The smaller camera cutout on the Note (Right) means you have more screen real estate to view content

The smaller camera cutout on the Note (Right) means you have more screen real estate to view content

However, just looking at the design alone the Note 10 just looks better. Not only does it have noticeably thinner bezels than the iPhone does but it also only has a very tiny camera module cutout in the middle of the display and that’s it. There’s no massive notch taking up almost the entirely of the top portion of the display, like it does on the iPhone.

This is also the 3rd generation of iPhone’s with the exact same design! Samsung however has updated their design every single year. That’s the reason why the iPhone is starting to look old and outdated since it looks the same as the 2018 and 2017 models.

Now if we take a look on the back we have 3 camera modules on both but Samsung’s modules are vertically aligned, while on the iPhone we have this nest of modules. It honestly looks like a kitchen hob.

So whilst you might prefer the design of the iPhone but there is no denying that the Note has a much more modern design, and definitely takes this one. 



Moving on to the display, Apple has now updated the display on the iPhone 11 Pro’s and they’re calling this the Super Retina XDR display. Essentially we now get a higher brightness of 1200 nits vs 1000 nits in HDR content and 800 nits vs 625 on the XS Max when outdoors, and we also get double the contrast to 2M:1 from 1M:1.

So that’s pretty impressive but, fun fact, this is actually the exact display panel technology that Samsung already uses in the Note 10+. Same exact panel the only differences are the resolution and the size. So resolution wise the Note 10+ features a 3040x1440 resolution panel at 498PPI, whilst the iPhone 11 Pro Max features a 2688x1242 resolution panel at 458PPI, so the iPhone has a slightly lower resolution display. 

The 6.8” display, coupled with the smaller bezels means that the Note (Left) is the best display on the market right now

The 6.8” display, coupled with the smaller bezels means that the Note (Left) is the best display on the market right now

But that’s not really something that you’ll be able to notice that easily between the two, however what you’ll definitely be able to notice right away, is the display size. We have a 6.5” panel on the iPhone compared to 6.8” panel on the Note 10+. Add that to the fact that we have an almost invisible camera cutout, and the Note 10+’s display is just so much better. You get to see more content, with less obstructions. The Note 10+ is just the best smartphone out right now, for viewing content. 

Also, if you care about HDR content, both support HDR content but the Note 10+ also supports HDR10+, while the iPhone supports Dolby Vision.

So, display wise the Note 10+ takes this one as well. 


The camera layouts of the Note (Left) and iPhone (Right)

The camera layouts of the Note (Left) and iPhone (Right)

Now on to the camera, both phones now have a triple lens camera module on the back. This means that you have your regular lens, you have a telephoto or zoom lens, and then you also have the brand new wide angle lens which lets you capture so much more in the shot. 

Wide angle is something that we didn’t have on iPhones before, so the iPhone 11 Pro is the first iPhone to feature one, but this is something that we’ve had on android phones for years now. However what Apple does very well here, is that unlike the Note which uses very different sensors for these 3 cameras, Apple tried to match them up as close as they could and only touched the lenses.  In fact, Apple even factory calibrates the 3 modules in order for them to be a close as possible in terms of color and exposure, and the calibration is also done automatically in the background, before you even take a shot. 

What this means is that you can smoothly transition between the 3 lenses, and it will feel as if you’re only using one lens with a ton of zoom capabilities. In addition, all the shots would be identical between the 3 cameras in terms of color and exposure, unlike the Note 10 which will produce very different results based on the lens that you use. Now that is just incredible! No other smartphone manufacturer has done this before, so this is indeed a key selling feature of this new iPhone.

Also all 3 iPhone camera modules support 4K 60 video recording, unlike the Note 10+ on which just the main lens supports 4K 60 for whatever reason. And you can also preview and I believe even record with all the camera modules on the iPhone at the same time, using 3rd party apps such as FilmicPro.

So, as you can probably tell, the camera is the main selling feature of the iPhone.

Apple is using that insanely powerful A13 processor, which I’ll talk about in a second, to process every frame of the 4K 60 video, add noise reduction, exposure compensation, color correction and more, in real time! And because of this, the iPhone 11 Pro Max has the best video recording capabilities of any smartphone on the market right now. Even the front camera, can now record in 4K 60 fps as well, as opposed to 4K 30 on the Note 10+.

The flash is brighter on the iPhone too, we have a QUAD-LED flash compared to a single flash. The telephoto lens is also better, since it is not only a larger sensor than on the Note but also an f/2.0 aperture rather than the f/2.1 on the Note, so it can let more light onto the sensor. However, the Note does have an f/1.5 aperture main lens which activates in low light and lets more light to the sensor than the f/1.8 aperture main camera on the iPhone does. But they both feature a night mode now, so low light photography is pretty good on both.

We will be doing a full camera comparison between these two so make sure you keep an eye on the channel for more on that.



When you talk about the performance of these two phones you have to take into account that even the Apple A12 processor from the iPhone XS that was released a year ago, is still more powerful than the Snapdragon 855, and even the brand new Exynos 9825 that Samsung has just added to their Note 10+ a month ago. But the iPhone 11 Pro Max now comes with the Apple A13 processor which is even more powerful than the A12 was, which means the Pro Max is now 2 years ahead of the Note 10+ in terms of the raw performance.

However, the Note 10+ comes with 12GB of RAM compared to 4GB of RAM on the iPhone 11 Pro Max. There were some reports that the Pro Max might have 6GB but that’s not confirmed as of yet. Now, my Note 10+ can easily keep a ton of apps open in the background, even apps that I opened 3 days ago. My iPhone XS Max on the other hand, which has 4GB of RAM, struggles to keep open apps that I opened just a few hours ago, and I’m pretty certain that this issue will still be present, to a lesser extent of course, even with 6GB of RAM.

So raw performance is much better on the iPhone, RAM management is better on the Note.

Split screen capabilities on the Note mean that it is a great tool for business users

Split screen capabilities on the Note mean that it is a great tool for business users

Now you can have a quantum processor in your smartphone, but that won’t matter at all, if it’s not being used to its full potential and you do have some amazing camera features and a lot of high end games that do take advantage of that extremely powerful processor on the iPhone. However I personally use my phone for either social media or productivity when I’m on the go and the iPhone 11 Pro Max still does not have any split screen support which, for me at least, is a huge deal breaker.

When I went to IFA last week, I had to create a calendar schedule based on some events that I had in a PDF. On the Note it was extremely easy to do that, I just opened both the calendar and the PDF viewer side by side and created the events. If I had the iPhone that would’ve been a pain since I would have had to constantly switch back and forth between the apps and remember what I had in the previous one. Not only that, but you can actually have 3 apps open on the Note at the same time, with one of them being S-Notes or even a video-pop-up and in that case have 4 apps. On the iPhone you’re restricted to 1 app which for me, as a business user means that it is not a Pro device in any way.

With the addition of a monitor, and a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard, Samsung phones, including the Note can be used like desktop PCs

With the addition of a monitor, and a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard, Samsung phones, including the Note can be used like desktop PCs

Speaking of a Pro Device, you can actually connect your Note to an external display and boot into something called DeX. DeX mode turns your UI that you see on the monitor into something similar to windows. This way you get a full desktop experience with full desktop apps such Chrome and Microsoft Office, and if you attach a wireless keyboard and mouse and there you go, you have now turned your smartphone into a desktop PC experience. Again, this is something that you cannot do with the iPhone.

So overall, even though the iPhone is more powerful than the Note you can do more things with the Note and for me, that’s what matters the most.


But what about Special Features? Do these phones have any unique selling points that the other one does not? Well yes, they both do.

Let’s start with the Note 10 shall we?

We have microSD card support, which lets you expand the storage even more, to up to 512GB of extra storage, fairly inexpensively. We also get 256GB of storage on the baseline model rather than 64GB on the iPhone

Editing in Lightroom is super easy with the S-Pen

Editing in Lightroom is super easy with the S-Pen

Then there’s the S-Pen, the built-in stylus that sits inside your phone which you can of course take it out whenever you want to and use it for sketching, signing documents, or my favourite, photo editing in Lightroom. It’s amazing to have such a precise tool with you for when you want to do any photo editing on the go.

We also have a TOF (time-of-flight) sensor on the back, which is basically what Apple uses on the front. A 3D depth sensing camera. Apple uses this for FaceID and unlocking the phone, while Samsung uses this on the back for improving the portrait mode and also for 3D scanning objects, which doesn’t really work that well, but hey, it’s there.

There is also an in-display fingerprint reader on the Note and probably one of my favourite features, reverse wireless charging. This means that you can place other wireless charging devices like the AirPods 2 or even an iPhone on the back of the Note 10 and it will charge, just like that! This was supposed to be coming to the iPhone 11’s but it got removed in the end.

Always-On is something that has been on androids for a while now, but has only just been added to the Apple Watch Series 5 and not yet on the iPhone

Always-On is something that has been on androids for a while now, but has only just been added to the Apple Watch Series 5 and not yet on the iPhone

And we also get another one of my favourite features on the Note, which is an always on display. Apple still doesn’t have this on the iPhones but they’ve just added it to the Apple Watch Series 5. Now what this does is that it shows you the time and your notifications on the display, all the time. So you dont have to tap it or lift the phone or anything like that, and I absolutely love it! It’s pretty much like having a smart desk clock! Love it!

Finally the Note 10 does have a USB C port compared to the lightning port Apple still has on the iPhone.

But what does the iPhone have that the Note doesnt?

Aside from the obvious FaceID, we do have a 120Hz input rate for the touch screen. However, this is not a 120Hz refresh rate panel, but your taps are registered much more accurately than on the Note. 

Water Resistance is also better on the iPhone, up to 4m for 30 minutes rather than 1.5m for 30 minutes on the Note 10. 

Apple also removed 3D Touch and added an improved haptic engine. They already had the best haptic engine in a smartphone, although the Note was extremely close to the iPhone’s. But now the iPhone 11 Pro Max’s should be even better. 

The iPhone also has a brand new U1 chip with will allow you to very precisely locate other devices that also have the U1 chip with a margin of error of just 5cm. This will especially be useful when Apple releases the Tile like trackers by the end of the year.

But that’s pretty much it in terms of special features that the iPhone has. Really the biggest advantage, or disadvantage, of having an iPhone is the Apple ecosystem. You do get locked into it very quickly but it is indeed the best ecosystem there is. Especially if you buy an Apple Watch and a Mac and AirPods, it’s just amazing how fast and smooth they can all communicate, rather than being completely separate devices. 



So with all of those features and processes, how do the batteries compare? And which one will last you longer on a quick charge?

Well on paper the Note does have a larger battery with 4300mAh compared 3500mAh on the iPhone 11 Pro Max. But the Note 10+ also has a larger display which does require more power and lets not forget the S-Pen that’s always charging inside your phone.

They do both support fast charging, up to about 50% in 30 minutes which is good and we finally have a fast charger bundled inside the box of the iPhone which we didn’t have before. However, the Note 10+ can be charged to full in just over an hour, and if you buy an even more powerful 45W charger from Samsung, it can be fully Charged in just 40 minutes which is nuts! 

Now, Apple does claim that this new iPhone 11 Pro Max lasts 5 hours more than the iPhone Xs Max did, so I’m extremely curious to testing that out. Definitely stay tuned for the full in-depth review in a few weeks and I’ll be covering my experience with the battery life in detail.


So, so far the iPhone won in the Performance and Camera sections (at least on paper), while the Note has won in the Design, Display and Special Features, and the Battery was a tie for now. But having said all this, how much are they?

The 64GB model of the iPhone 11 Pro Max is the same price as the 256GB model of the Note 10+

The 64GB model of the iPhone 11 Pro Max is the same price as the 256GB model of the Note 10+

Well, the Note 10+ costs $1100 in the US and £1000 in the UK for the baseline 256GB option. The iPhone 11 Pro Max costs $1100, so same price as the Note in the US, but £1150 in the UK, so £150 more. Hower this is only for the baseline 64GB model and not the 256GB variant. The Pro Max, for the 256GB option costs a whopping £1,299 in the UK, which is nearly £300 more than the Note, and $1,249 in the US, so only $150 more.



So, having said all that, what do I think? Who won?

Well there’s no denying that the Note 10+ is the better phone. It not only offers you more features and higher end components but it also does that at a lower price.

However, iOS is still more polished with better app support and more quality apps in general. And if you’re into the Apple ecosystem already, the iPhone’s the better option for you. I’m really curious to testing out that camera so definitely stay tuned for more videos and articles on the iPhone 11 Pro once it officially released on the 20th of September.

Let us know in the comments below which one you thought was better!